What could be causing this



  • Hey my plant is 19 days old now and its looking very nice, however ive noticed brown spots on two small leafs on the top of the plant. Im using a 30w cfl for the moment and its on a 20/4 light cycle (autoflower). Are the brown spots due to heat stress? i put my cfl very close to the plant prbly about 3-4 inches and when i put my hand next to the plant it is hot but not too hot for my hand. it feels like putting your hand in the direct sun on a hot day. is that too hot? it cant be cause of excess nutritions cuz i havent given the plant any.



Well-Known Member
Have the leaves ever touched the light? .. if not I wouldn't think it was heat stress .. 4" is plenty of space.

Have you ever watered them withg the lights on and maybe left drops along the leaves?.. it could be the cause.

But like Nice Ol Bud said, if your soil has ferts in it and you water more then you should .. could be it too.

happy growin


yeah ive been spraying water on the plant while the light was on to imitate rain fall, but i think the water drops intensified the light and could be a cause for it. I bought normal soil with little white things in it (is that fertilizer?). Im fairly new to growing so i need to learn a lot more


Well-Known Member
"normal" soil? The white things are most likely perlite, which isn't nutrients...Do you remember the specific brand of soil? It DOES look like your leaves touched the light...Maybe it was the water droplets intensifying the light, but under CFL's I would think that a little less likely.