What could be the cause?


Active Member
I'm not to sure what the problem is but I followed the nutrient mix for a 5gal res, and after about 1 week of the nuts being in the dwc the tips are changing. What could be the problem. O, I'm running a DWC setup. (CES 3 part) And I'm omly running 2x 150 watt hps lights

IMG_0286.jpg IMG_0287.jpg

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Looks like nutrient burn. Every plant is a little different, so try backing down to half strength on the nutes and then see if you can move up from there.


Active Member
add fresh water to the res, if u have it full take some of the nutes out, such as a gal of nutes replace with ph adjusted water, it will lower the PPM quite a bit... since u caught nute burn early, it should not be an issue, IF you see the yellowing on the outer leaves progress after 3 days to a week, do a complete flush and a flushing agent to remove the salt build up and then start with a 3/4 solution.

good luck