What could cause this???


4wks into veg. Had slight nute burn, but adjusted ppm's down. Plants seem overall to be adjusting to 1000ppms except this one. She is a papaya hybrid. When I did my res change the ph was set to 5.8, 24 hrs went up to 6.3... Adjusted down to 6.0 yesterday and steady today. But I will adjust to 5.6-7 today. So, where there was a few wounds from burn, the leaves are twisting. Is this a def, or the plant healing itself?



Active Member
Temps in grow room now? Plant still looks like its getting the life sucked out of it.. thats why its shriveled up.... Most if the time only new growth looks healthy if everything is fixed, the old growth wont heal itself...


Well-Known Member
Can't help but think that 1000ppm's is a bit too much for that particular strain, you may want to lower to maybe 700 to 800 and see if it helps, I myself seldom go above 800ppm's but that just me., you don't mention what nutes you are using, is there enough nitrogen, they may be hungry.


GH 3part, followed the week 3 schedule. I'm going to dilute the nute solution with Alittle more ph'd water to lower the ppm's hopefully that helps

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
HE,he,he,he. The twisting is the plant going back to veg from flower. Pic 2 shows this clearly!
Keep going and be patient, I will recover, but will take time!


I did notice that it went into flower. How I'm not sure. Light schedule is the same for all 4 and the 3 others are growing beautifully except for slow root growth but healthy looking none the less.