What could this be?


Well-Known Member
you think this could happen from lack of nutes? Its got a whole lot worse since the last pics. wanted to wait til sexing but im going to repot them asap.


Well-Known Member
I repotted today and im shocked what i discovered, the roots were hanging out the bottom, they had grew through 2" of pebbles! There in 12" pots. Think this maybe the result of water hanging around in the pot near the bottom and the roots streching for it. I didnt repot the little one think im just going to throw it, i only wanted 2 plants anyway just wanted to wait until sexing before i got rid of one.


Well-Known Member
the tips on one leaf is going and orange brown colour. Anyone know what it is? Ive got 3 plants, 28 days from seed and everything is fine all in same condition except one which is in a 6" pot rather than a 12". There about to get there first fert when it arrives. I use cfls 24/7 light and trying out some tomato compost this time, the plant seems thicker and stronger than my last grow
should have budded plant when it was realy small thats what i do sometimes 2 weeks afer cloneing make sure you take clones of first just incase its a female.


Well-Known Member
Just remember this thread from when i was having trouble. Thought id update with a picture. Look at that mess before and look what they turned into


Well-Known Member
so did you ever find out what ur problem was? i didnt think the girls were in that bad of shape, im happy your on the right track now good luck with the rest of your grow!!!


Well-Known Member
They've been flowering a little over a month now. I think the original problems happened because they were root bound. I repotted and cut off the dead leaves used fert and theyve bin pretty much fine since. Still get the odd few leaves crisping and dying but i just cut them off. Thanks for looking