What defect is this!? Please Help.


New Member
Okay soo... My Big Bhudda Cheese, last 2 yields went extremely well. Very healthy, a few defective leaves(Phosphate) but for the most part is was a great go. Now all of the sudden my plants are getting these horrid necrotic looking leaves all over. Pure brown on the fan leaves. I am running the same nutes I had been with my last 2, the temp/humidity isn't as far off, bubbleponics system with a perfect ph... I just don't know what the problem is. Any help is appreciated! I'll post some pics. One of last 2 yields but, then the defect.

That's what the buds looked like, the pic on the right is the defective plants.


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a lockout......did you raise your phosphate levels this time around? Can lock calcium and check your ph!


Well-Known Member
is it the same plant by seed or are they clones?
looks a bit like over fert try giving just plain water. my 2 pence gd luck


Well-Known Member
Man that is either over fertilization or your PH is fucked. Definitely a lockout going on. Get some Epsom salts and foliar feed it asap.


Active Member
Salt buildup maybe? Try to wash the actual root mass off and give it 1/2 strength nutes and see what happens? And yes foliar feed with some calmag. Brown necrotic spots are normally calcium ime


Well-Known Member
What are your ppm and ph running at? Also have you checked your ppm meter for accuracy in a while?
theres borderline unsalvagable problems there. Looks to me like white spider might bites and nutrient issues bad. Id say thats a lost crop if you dont figure out the problem soo. I hope its personal lolz.