What deficiency is this?

J Money

Active Member
I vegged for 2 weeks, then started flowering. The flowering has only gone 1 week so dar and some yellow spots have developed on some healthy leaves. Everything else looks ok.

I am using GH Bloom running 1500PPM Total nutes, adding some peroxide to aid in killing algae.

The PH is always 5.8-6.0 and the air temp never climbs above 80 degrees.

Why do I have yellow spots? Should my garden be this big within a few weeks?


Brick Top

New Member
The color of the pictures is pretty poor so it is hard to tell but it looks like you have green veins with white/yellow spots between them. If that is what you actually have it could be a MAGNESIUM (Mg) deficiency. If that is the case the lower leaves yellow and may even turn white while veins remain dark green. Blades die and curl upward.

This link is a good site to add to your favorites. It helps you figure out what is going on. It does not tell you everything but it does tell the most common problems.



Well-Known Member
hey ive been having the same probs too. vegged for about 6 weeeks and am in 3rd week of flowering. just flushed it this morning. ill keep u updated on what happens.


Well-Known Member
hey ive been having the same probs too. vegged for about 6 weeeks and am in 3rd week of flowering. just flushed it this morning. ill keep u updated on what happens.
Yeah when i look at that i see magnesium and also those spots could be from a cal def too. Both Mg and Ca work together, so get some cal-mag. Lamp

J Money

Active Member
I thought it was Magnesium as well. I will see what I can do... Thanks guys!

So I need to get some epsom salt right?


Well-Known Member
Magnesium deficiency starts in the lower leaves. The veins remain green while the rest of the leaf turns yellow, exhibiting chlorosis. The leaves eventually curl up, and then die. The edges of affected leaves feel dry and crispy. Magnesium helps support healthy veins and maintains leaf production and structure. It's required for chlorophyll production and enzyme breakdowns. Water-soluble nutrients containing Magnesium fix the deficiency. Such nutrients are magnesium sulfate and Ca-Mg for fast absorption; and dolomite lime/garden lime and worm castings for moderate absorption. Hope this helps. I got it from Marijuana Garden Saver by J.C. Stitch. Great book for any grower.