What Democrats Must Do

I disagree with impeaching Trump for a couple main reasons; 1. then we get Pence, who is undoubtedly much more politically savvy since he's been in congress and was elected Governor of Indiana. He's a fundamentalist Christian with backwards beliefs on abortion/womens rights, science/evolution, etc. I think he would be able to work with the Republican congress much more and get much more of the Republican agenda passed. 2. Democrats spend a lot of political capital only to end up with someone equally as bad, if not worse.

If we let Trump continue his shit show of an administration, Republicans are proven to be the most inept party, completely incapable of governing effectively, even with control of all branches of government. It creates a huge division between Trump supporters and more moderate Republicans within the party and they end up weaker collectively because of it.

the shit show has already occurred as the gop is completely divided..i envision moderates will align with centrist elite dems..progressives will be a third party.

my concern is the 120 seconds to launch and who possesses this ability- it's not mattis i'm concerned with.

Pence is going to jail.
He's repeating Rush Limbaugh verbatim about how Democrats are wasting their time and political capital in their madness to impeach the prez. Seriously, there is no massive effort to impeach Trump by Democrats. This is all a made up scenario pumped out by right wingers and Pad eats it up to regurgitate as a Sanders movement talking point.

He's recycled right wing talking points before. It makes me think that the Sanders movement is a tool of the right.

the petition has almost 1M signatures in less than one week and submitted under emoluments violations which are obvi.

The next convict in line is arguably much worse. It's not because "I don't like him" (which means you do like Pence). It's because he will be worse than Trump. You want to waste political capital and impeach someone for someone who's much worse
To impeach is not to remove from office, genius.
Fucking weird that the backer of a failed candidate is telling the supporters of the actual winner's candidate what they should do.
Also quite telling that he is opposed to impeachment for the fascist carrot. It would neuter them completely if the president were successfully impeached and censured. It would ruin the careers of every member of his cabinet and anyone willing to work with him. It would be nothing like Bill Clinton's impeachment and censure over a blowjob. That just made Gingrich look like a dipshit.

Trump has serious legal problems and he needs to be impeached immediately.
Also quite telling that he is opposed to impeachment for the fascist carrot. It would neuter them completely if the president were successfully impeached and censured. It would ruin the careers of every member of his cabinet and anyone willing to work with him. It would be nothing like Bill Clinton's impeachment and censure over a blowjob. That just made Gingrich look like a dipshit.

Trump has serious legal problems and he needs to be impeached immediately.
We have more pressing concerns
Clinton gave the Russians 20% of Americans Uranium
- never mind that that's not true
- That it has been debunked

Clinton is the one who was colluding with the Russians. Not Trump or anyone in his campaign
This is not my doing. I'm not ashamed.

Correct, its a shameful moment in time... no we are not to be shameful it happened we have fought this fucktard before and after he got in office...

The shame i speak of is that that has been brought to our day, which we will continue to fight, by trump and his maga minions..