What Democrats Must Do

He got into power because white people who lean towards being racist voted for him in order to return to their place in the old status quo of white male patriarchy.
That's the SJW explanation of why Clinton lost to Trump to avoid taking responsibility for the policy mistakes she made based on her political donors and campaign contributors during her political career, the primary and general election

The reality is she lost because she failed to address an economic populist message, which coincides with the same Democrats who voted for Obama in 08 and 12 who voted for Trump in 16. These are the facts. You simply can't mark it up to racism in light of the verifiable evidence, no matter how much you wish you could. Obama is a black guy, the white people you claim are racist who voted for Trump in 16 voted for Obama in 08 and 12. That's why he won. Because of them. Not because of the people who voted for Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders.

Neoliberal policy positions support the white status quo. Centrist Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Tom Perez, etc., support political policies that ensure minorities and women suffer the most. Progressives like Bernie Sanders, Nina Turner, Ro Khanna, Paula Swearengin, and Cori Bush support political policies that ensure minorities and women benefit the most...
That's the SJW explanation of why Clinton lost to Trump to avoid taking responsibility for the policy mistakes she made based on her political donors and campaign contributors during her political career, the primary and general election

The reality is she lost because she failed to address an economic populist message, which coincides with the same Democrats who voted for Obama in 08 and 12 who voted for Trump in 16. These are the facts. You simply can't mark it up to racism in light of the verifiable evidence, no matter how much you wish you could. Obama is a black guy, the white people you claim are racist who voted for Trump in 16 voted for Obama in 08 and 12. That's why he won. Because of them. Not because of the people who voted for Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders.

Neoliberal policy positions support the white status quo. Centrist Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Tom Perez, etc., support political policies that ensure minorities and women suffer the most. Progressives like Bernie Sanders, Nina Turner, Ro Khanna, Paula Swearengin, and Cori Bush support political policies that ensure minorities and women benefit the most...
if bernie hadn't lost, he would have won.
"let's not impeach and convict a criminal because i don't like the second criminal in line"

you are a fucking pussy, padaraper.

He deserves to be impeached and imprisoned, but from a strategy perspective, and as long as he doesn't fuck us too hard and continues to flounder, it would benefit the left to let him destroy the GOP a little more and reduce the risk of Pence (like if Pence was limited to 9 months in office or less).
That's the SJW explanation of why Clinton lost to Trump to avoid taking responsibility for the policy mistakes she made based on her political donors and campaign contributors during her political career, the primary and general election

The reality is she lost because she failed to address an economic populist message, which coincides with the same Democrats who voted for Obama in 08 and 12 who voted for Trump in 16. These are the facts. You simply can't mark it up to racism in light of the verifiable evidence, no matter how much you wish you could. Obama is a black guy, the white people you claim are racist who voted for Trump in 16 voted for Obama in 08 and 12. That's why he won. Because of them. Not because of the people who voted for Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders.

Neoliberal policy positions support the white status quo. Centrist Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Tom Perez, etc., support political policies that ensure minorities and women suffer the most. Progressives like Bernie Sanders, Nina Turner, Ro Khanna, Paula Swearengin, and Cori Bush support political policies that ensure minorities and women benefit the most...
It's well documented in a study that used polling data in a proper way. The theory you hold about economic anxiety, I believed after the election because that was the main assessment by analysts but better information came out that convinced me otherwise.

The difference between Trump and all other candidates in recent history is he is truly a white supremacist and sexist in both words and deed. I'm not saying all Trump supporters are outright kkk men and women. What's come out from studies recently is that Trump attracted the votes of people who lean towards being racist in ways that never happened before. You try to relate past events to today but neglect that this time the election was really different. Donald Trump was the choice for the majority of white people who hold racist attitudes.

Explaining White Polarization in the 2016 Vote for President: The Sobering Role of Racism and Sexism

the effect of economic dissatisfaction is dwarfed by the relationship between sexism and racism and voting for Trump. For example, an individual who was average on all other variables in the model but registered the most sexist attitudes on the hostile sexism scale had a .65 probability of voting for Trump. That same individual would have just a .35 predicted probability of voting for Trump if she registered the least sexist attitudes. Thus, moving from one end of the sexism scale to the other produced a 30-point increase in support for Trump among the average likely voter. The effect for the racism scale was nearly identical – moving from the highest levels of acknowledgement and empathy for racism in American to the lowest levels was associated with about a 30-point increase in support for Trump
He deserves to be impeached and imprisoned, but from a strategy perspective, and as long as he doesn't fuck us too hard and continues to flounder, it would benefit the left to let him destroy the GOP a little more and reduce the risk of Pence (like if Pence was limited to 9 months in office or less).

the only reason not to prosecute a criminal is if they are innocent. trump is guilty though. prosecute him and deal with the consequences.
He deserves to be impeached and imprisoned, but from a strategy perspective, and as long as he doesn't fuck us too hard and continues to flounder, it would benefit the left to let him destroy the GOP a little more and reduce the risk of Pence (like if Pence was limited to 9 months in office or less).
Let's just follow the legal process. If we were to use this as a political football and delay for political reasons it wouldn't be a secret for long and just make everybody look foolish. Let's follow legal process and trust that the 65% of all Americans who disapprove of Trump will agree that Pence is a horses ass by association with Trump.
And who knows Pense could be dirtier than don, mama always said worry about the quiet one in the corner... maybe we could get him too, but dear god not while Ryan is peaker of the house!!!

Isnt it shameful to think of the caliber of shmucks in line for the presidency at this moment?
You know if we take a moment and think how shameful a time it is that factoring in who #2 is, is even worthy of mention let alone any amount of debate! How rotten it is we find ourselves in this spot, noo other era or imaginable situation would this be even a passing thought... this is what Trump has brought us... theres times i still cant beleive this is real... this shit is big, this era will be a major note in history to come if we physically survive it.

The very soul and the breath of civilization is at stake in this fight..
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the only reason not to prosecute a criminal is if they are innocent. trump is guilty though. prosecute him and deal with the consequences.

I'm being greedy cause I hate Republicans so much and love to see them have to oppose their own president. But even beyond his criminal guilt, he is a symbol of right wing ignorance, arrogance, deceitfulness, racism, and sexism. He has to go, there is no doubt. There will be backlash, the right will feign short term memory loss and pretend Trump was OK, maybe even idolize him even more as a political martyr. Who knows. But it's still better than having Trump as president.
Let's just follow the legal process. If we were to use this as a political football and delay for political reasons it wouldn't be a secret for long and just make everybody look foolish. Let's follow legal process and trust that the 65% of all Americans who disapprove of Trump will agree that Pence is a horses ass by association with Trump.

Yeah, just wishful thinking that he gets nothing done for however long the process takes and then Pence is left with a broken party with a minority in Congress after 2018 elections.
I'm being greedy cause I hate Republicans so much and love to see them have to oppose their own president. But even beyond his criminal guilt, he is a symbol of right wing ignorance, arrogance, deceitfulness, racism, and sexism. He has to go, there is no doubt. There will be backlash, the right will feign short term memory loss and pretend Trump was OK, maybe even idolize him even more as a political martyr. Who knows. But it's still better than having Trump as president.
In tough times, people will turn on each other and these manufactured and thus artificially tough times will suffice nicely for the purposes of those in power.

That's why We the People need to fight back from a position they don't expect. Third parties are the only way great change comes to America. Lincoln's Republican Party was once the agent of change. I think the time has once again come for such an approach.
In tough times, people will turn on each other and these manufactured and thus artificially tough times will suffice nicely for the purposes of those in power.

That's why We the People need to fight back from a position they don't expect. Third parties are the only way great change comes to America. Lincoln's Republican Party was once the agent of change. I think the time has once again come for such an approach.
Who the Fuck it's "we"
You and your ilk fucked this up. You are just a culpable as those who voted for Trump.
You know if we take a moment and think how shameful a time it is that factoring in who #2 is, is even worthy of mention let alone any amount of debate! How rotten it is we find ourselves in this spot, noo other era or imaginable situation would this be even a passing thought... this is what Trump has brought us... theres times i still cant beleive this is real... this shit is big, this era will be a major note in history to come if we physically survive it.

The very soul and the breath of civilization is at stake in this fight..
This is not my doing. I'm not ashamed.
Sorry guy's but I have to let the cat outta the bag .....FUCK DEMOCUNTS...... Lead in the dome is the only cure.....Step up and get yo medicine bitches....
Sorry guy's but I have to let the cat outta the bag .....FUCK DEMOCUNTS...... Lead in the dome is the only cure.....Step up and get yo medicine bitches....
That just makes you a thug and a criminal looking for your turn in prison. Which is where you'll belong.

Or, you can grow up and try to make the world a better place for everyone. I know it's hard, but you might be up to the challenge.

If not, there's a cell waiting for you.
That just makes you a thug and a criminal looking for your turn in prison. Which is where you'll belong.

Or, you can grow up and try to make the world a better place for everyone. I know it's hard, but you might be up to the challenge.

If not, there's a cell waiting for you.