What did I do?

What can I do to make these bbs happy again
I'm not sure how they are so sad.
Once sprouted they where under 24 hour veg lights with my older ladies... but some are curling in and some are droopy.. maybe they are just adjusting as I took them outside in the shade today for a few hours?



I could be wrong, but on the first pic i can see (what looks like) nute burn from the browning edges. The soil you have them in could be way too hot. If you have not got a specific light mix they may die. I can see wood chippings and large stones. These are going to be a nightmare for young seedlings. The chippings decay and release a load of nutes and make it hard for root development and stones also can cause problems for growing roots. Even if it didnt happen now i think down the line with decaying wood you would have massive spikes in how hot the soil is when you water... i dont mean to be big headed but it is not very often that i do not have (to atleast some degree) of a solution , because there is always the same issues just different conditions. All i could suggest is getting hold of a light potting mix and transplant if she can hold out, or take one on the chin, cut your losses early and start again in a light mix or coco.
Ive got my fingers crossed for you whatever you decide, it would be great if someone knew a few bits that i didnt and could save her for you tho :peace:
I could be wrong, but on the first pic i can see (what looks like) nute burn from the browning edges. The soil you have them in could be way too hot. If you have not got a specific light mix they may die. I can see wood chippings and large stones. These are going to be a nightmare for young seedlings. The chippings decay and release a load of nutes and make it hard for root development and stones also can cause problems for growing roots. Even if it didnt happen now i think down the line with decaying wood you would have massive spikes in how hot the soil is when you water... i dont mean to be big headed but it is not very often that i do not have (to atleast some degree) of a solution , because there is always the same issues just different conditions. All i could suggest is getting hold of a light potting mix and transplant if she can hold out, or take one on the chin, cut your losses early and start again in a light mix or coco.
Ive got my fingers crossed for you whatever you decide, it would be great if someone knew a few bits that i didnt and could save her for you tho :peace:
Okay the stones your seeding are seashells lol we are growing hemp and cannabis so those are markers for which ones are what strains as for the sticks this was a light potting soil but I can just dig through and pick out what I see until we transplant again? And I think your right on the burn because I was told to dip the roots in some grow liquid feed kinda thing when I had to transplant because they where stretching so much eh at this point ill do anything to save them
I could be wrong, but on the first pic i can see (what looks like) nute burn from the browning edges. The soil you have them in could be way too hot. If you have not got a specific light mix they may die. I can see wood chippings and large stones. These are going to be a nightmare for young seedlings. The chippings decay and release a load of nutes and make it hard for root development and stones also can cause problems for growing roots. Even if it didnt happen now i think down the line with decaying wood you would have massive spikes in how hot the soil is when you water... i dont mean to be big headed but it is not very often that i do not have (to atleast some degree) of a solution , because there is always the same issues just different conditions. All i could suggest is getting hold of a light potting mix and transplant if she can hold out, or take one on the chin, cut your losses early and start again in a light mix or coco.
Ive got my fingers crossed for you whatever you decide, it would be great if someone knew a few bits that i didnt and could save her for you tho :peace:
I have started more seeds just incase but I'm thinking we can pull through. This shit is kinda tough when many people tell you a million ways and whatnot. Its like I need the most fool proof methods lol I do however have a beautiful older lady that is looking so fine.. very proud of her.



I know what you mean, everyone has their way of doing things and when it works for them they are convinced it must be the right answer. But the best advice is start simple, and understand what you are working with.

The cannabis plant is a strong plant and it will take a lot of abuse, but like any plant as a seedling it is weak and needs to adjust to its enviroment.
In general your potting soil is very "chunky", as in its not very fine. The pictures are a bit blury but it looks like you have some perlite in there ?, that is what i thought was stones , but regardless of what it is they are massive barriers for a little seedlings because they have to find a way around them which uses more energy. A bit like the wood chippings.. in the first stages of the seedlings life it is trying to establish a good root ball, when it hits the chippings it will not be able to grow through them but would have to find another way around, while doing this the wood chippings will decay and make your soil have hot spots.
In the future get yourself a potting soil that is quite fine, and mix in about 30% fine perlite for airation, fabric pots are also a winner.

As for now ?, i do not want to give you false hope. What you suggest might work but i think there will always be some decaying material that you will be fighting as a nitrogen toxicity as it gets older.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain at this point. You might even have to do a mini flush and give her a little stake / tooth pick incase she droops afterwards, really hard to save a seedling with problems because the usual solution can also be a problem.