What did U do for New Years?


Active Member
Well I got to looking and lets see if the same thoughts come to mind......
lil birdie on my shoulder said hmmmmm GREAT space for a new grow room!
Camera battery died before I could take after pics but I will post those soon as the battery recharges! Came out phenomally and I have it seperated so that when my HPS comes in, I will have a flowering side. First pic is what I started out with...



Well-Known Member
ok by the looks of it heres your list
1000w hps and 1000w mh 8 in vortex fan 2 18 ocolating fans some nutes and a 100 ft roll of mylar


Well-Known Member
Still working on grow room redo here. But last night we got all the animals in and tried calming them down while the idiots where outside shooting up into the air. Don't they realize that those bullets do come down.

They gave me a headache so I had to medicate myself. A beer and a bowl and a movie from blockbuster worked nicely. No way was I going to drive with all the drunks on the road. You should have head the police scanner. They had three people driving the wrong way on the highway.


Well-Known Member
Today potted my seeds that germinated. Going to hang the light in the flowering section of the grow room. Tonight after switching plants it will be time to paint the veg side.