What did you accomplish today?

Brotha? That's racist.

ASSuming that had anything to do with race is racist, I hate you for you, not for the color of your skin, or your religion, or your sexually deviant practices with goats

OR because you know about any deviant sexual pratices i MAY OR MAY NOT engage in with OR WITHOUT goats

Or leprechauns
ASSuming that had anything to do with race is racist, I hate you for you, not for the color of your skin, or your religion, or your sexually deviant practices with goats

OR because you know about any deviant sexual pratices i MAY OR MAY NOT engage in with OR WITHOUT goats

Or leprechauns

That escalated rather quickly from wiring to fucking goats. You may just have a future here.
i believe he has had a past here. member since friday.

so if the soul exists it is made of energy as opposed to matter, since we can't perceive it... and if it is made of energy, it cannot be created nor destroyed. If that's true, then not only will a soul live forever, it has been living since the beginning of time... so yeah... I have always been here... in spirit.

But seriously, no, I am not someone you all thought was a total asshole and so you made a pact to hunt down and chop to bits, feeding those bits to dogs, and chopping the dogs up and feeding them to small dogs, and again with smaller dogs... and then sending the little herd of vicious man-eating-dog-eating-dog-eating dogs (is that backwards?) off to some innocent town of [CENSORED-RACIST] to rip them to shreds come back to haunt you from you know, New Jersey or something (BUT wouldn't it be funny if you had done all that, and I just guessed it? Weird huh?).

I have never been on these forums before, except to browse... I am quite pleasantly surprised that it's so active, and mostly civil. Good job group.
so if the soul exists it is made of energy as opposed to matter, since we can't perceive it... and if it is made of energy, it cannot be created nor destroyed. If that's true, then not only will a soul live forever, it has been living since the beginning of time... so yeah... I have always been here... in spirit.

But seriously, no, I am not someone you all thought was a total asshole and so you made a pact to hunt down and chop to bits, feeding those bits to dogs, and chopping the dogs up and feeding them to small dogs, and again with smaller dogs... and then sending the little herd of vicious man-eating-dog-eating-dog-eating dogs (is that backwards?) off to some innocent town of [CENSORED-RACIST] to rip them to shreds come back to haunt you from you know, New Jersey or something (BUT wouldn't it be funny if you had done all that, and I just guessed it? Weird huh?).

I have never been on these forums before, except to browse... I am quite pleasantly surprised that it's so active, and mostly civil. Good job group.
Something extremely familiar about this. Hmmmmmmm. ^^^^