What did you accomplish today?

Wow! That's almost the speed limit on city streets here. Ebikes sold in Ontario have to be governed to 20mph/32kph. I don't think I'd want to be standing at that speed. Have you purchased a helmet yet?

I've got two $2,000 ebikes, both are limited to 20mph. That's our speed limit for e-motor vehicles, too. I usually ride my non-motorized Trek for exercise when the weather permits, so I have several helmets. China seems to have no such speed restrictions, some of the scooters I was looking at went 50+mph! I purposely didn't get one because I didn't want to be tempted to go that fast. You'd have to be out of your mind to go that fast standing on something. Those must be some spectacular deaths...

Dang, man, we could have talked you through a much better DIY light for the money you spent on that Mars bar

yeah I realized that lol but.... it's done and they are decent enough for my purposes. I'd like to build a better setup for my 4x4 tent sometime but it will just be used for drying in the meantime. Honestly I think I have too many genetics started and need to stall the veg out on my soil plants so I'll be mainlining and training them.

Blueberry Cheesecake...what can I say.... 2gal flo and gro setup, they are now ~6.5-7' tall with the lights raised to the ceiling. I'll do a write up and maybe toss some pictures once I have her harvested and an idea on yield. 4 plants that squeezed out the rest under 2kw HPS.
A few things I wanted to share. They weren’t all today but I’ve been gone a long time. Every time I saw anything related to penises, I thought of you guys.
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When I missed the plant i was trying to chop down and cut the tip of my pinky off.
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My best friend in the whole world, India. Black lab/rottweiler mix. I got her 16 years ago on a particularly bad day when I lived in an condo with a strict no pets rule. Over the next 16 years we had amazing adventures. There were multiple times I had to move back in my parents house because I couldn't find a place that took dogs after a gf breakup etc. Everyone always said "just find someone to adopt her and you won't have to go to your parents". NO. NEVER. There is an amazing story that involves her and several pounds of extremely potent weed butter and the pet hospital. Anyway, a few months ago she passed on and crossed the rainbow bridge. I can honestly say I'll never feel OK again.
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When people tell me I won't get to fish anymore because of my daughters......Notice the 2 week old baby strapped to my chest.
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very close friend died. This was his dog and the last thing he painted. (death 5 of close people this year. Stay away from me lol)
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And a painting I made of my 2 favorite things. The dead and feeeeeesh.
Thanks for sharing.

Your friends painting looks like an orgy.
Image result for looks like an orgy meme  gif
I've got two $2,000 ebikes, both are limited to 20mph. That's our speed limit for e-motor vehicles, too. I usually ride my non-motorized Trek for exercise when the weather permits, so I have several helmets. China seems to have no such speed restrictions, some of the scooters I was looking at went 50+mph! I purposely didn't get one because I didn't want to be tempted to go that fast. You'd have to be out of your mind to go that fast standing on something. Those must be some spectacular deaths...

I ate shit on a downhill skateboard going 45mph. I know how fast I was going cause my ex was following me in a car filmin me and the speedometer. I’d say that’s about the same as eatin shit on a scooter.
I remember the mini bike craze, friend of mine rolled up to our college on it, doin' tricks and wheelies and shit all over the parking lot. Was hilarious and a hoot but he was careful not to let anyone else on it. Wasn't as much fun 2 weeks later when he came in with all sorts of casts and road rash.....

electric scooters look thrilling but I too would be tempted to go too fast and a small turn can easily overbalance those things.
Nope. I broke the ball joint off of the bone in my left shoulder, and broke the actual ball into 4 pieces. I’m bionic now. I feel like we have the makings of a good story, what you bein a secret agent and all, and me being a cyborg supervillain

Fuck, you're like Kickass now (great movies). If we team up, it'll be like this -

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I've got two $2,000 ebikes, both are limited to 20mph. That's our speed limit for e-motor vehicles, too. I usually ride my non-motorized Trek for exercise when the weather permits, so I have several helmets. China seems to have no such speed restrictions, some of the scooters I was looking at went 50+mph! I purposely didn't get one because I didn't want to be tempted to go that fast. You'd have to be out of your mind to go that fast standing on something. Those must be some spectacular deaths...

Good I was thinking you might be one of those too cool for helmets kinda guys. They don't seem stable enough to be doing that speed and you're for sure going to break a clavicle if you tip over at that speed. Are you two other ebikes more like traditional bikes with pedals?
Good I was thinking you might be one of those too cool for helmets kinda guys. They don't seem stable enough to be doing that speed and you're for sure going to break a clavicle if you tip over at that speed. Are you two other ebikes more like traditional bikes with pedals?

I would never ride without a helmet. Here's my first and fav ebike -



It even folds in half, pretty cool. Can't find pics of my other one, it's white and more of a commuter...
When I said soon, I did not mean millennial soon. I meant dude in his 40s soon.

My back is twitchy, I've been babying it. Took me hours to get the scooter out of it's gargantuan box, unpack and unfold it, and vacuum off all the bits of broken styrofoam. It sucks that I can't ride it yet, I can barely get on it. It's just a big fucking tease...
Just think.
If you hadn’t made that FedEx poor sod schlep it up those stairs, you wouldn’t have to horse it back down’em. There is palpable irony here.
Just think.
If you hadn’t made that FedEx poor sod schlep it up those stairs, you wouldn’t have to horse it back down’em. There is palpable irony here.

I thought of that. I only needed him to bring it up because of my back. Also because I'm an asshole. Thing is, I'm gonna have to learn to bring it back up each time I ride it, as I can't leave it downstairs. I shoulda thought this through a little better...