What did you accomplish today?

This is my new morning brew. 8oz of each in a 16oz mug
View attachment 3855970
So fucking good. I had two of them.
That's what i accomplished today
I would make you much better coffee afterba night of you ravaging my booty.

I am on a local coffee shop "single bean origin" kick atm

I literally just realised I do not have enough money to pay for a shipment of coca. Dude is hesitant to lwt it go as I owe the last time.

I am in tears. He said "nigga you my fam but this stack is too much, you havent paid up for last me"

Ill get all my bricks tonight but I may need to get my neck game right
So I stumnle my drunk ass to the atm.

Withdraw 1k, make way to mext atm 1k. I have 4 more to go before my man will evem look at me.

If i breal xonditions and go to him I can get the next 2 bricka on spot.

I cann9t leave my house by law but I know a deal. My plug lives 2 blocka over so wither it is aparty I cannot miss or he playing me

For the record I owe 32,000 dollars. Not much in the grand scheme but i am slacking on payments.

I just typed it out and got ao sad.

Coca n heroin aint a gsme.
Imay may not be in a tripped out atatem

So people trying to startvstreet wars qith me

I am the moat innocent fucker you can meet

Im talking to onw nig and I tell him how bad 9t will end all the time I have a tear on my face.

Yo I will war with anyone over bs but the se "hood politics" aren't mine. .

My homie juat said I am acting a bitch. I cannot dp this bs foghting anymore.

Fuck my life
Home now finally ....but heading to the guitar center near my house to pick up some strings for an old acoustic I've had sitting around forever .....I'm a pianist not a guitar player but I've been plucking at my little guys junior guitar lately and it's actually kind of fun .....so off I go with the little guy to the music store to let him beat on there very expensive drums while I get some strings and another little plastic doohickey mabobber thingy ma jigg I just noticed is missing that apparently holds one end of the strings in .......so I accomplished going to a Christmas party and not having to resort to injuring my penis or molesting old women to get outta there .....thanks @curious2garden for the out if needed ....
Home now finally ....but heading to the guitar center near my house to pick up some strings for an old acoustic I've had sitting around forever .....I'm a pianist not a guitar player but I've been plucking at my little guys junior guitar lately and it's actually kind of fun .....so off I go with the little guy to the music store to let him beat on there very expensive drums while I get some strings and another little plastic doohickey mabobber thingy ma jigg I just noticed is missing that apparently holds one end of the strings in .......so I accomplished going to a Christmas party and not having to resort to injuring my penis or molesting old women to get outta there .....thanks @curious2garden for the out if needed ....
LOL were the old women disappointed? Have fun at Guitar Center.
Mission accomplished.

At home again.

My boy drove up soon as that pic was taken and bitched me out for saying I woould be a min. Actual time was 1
5-2min tops.

Even started saying let me out I can show ya how quick I walk.

My buddy goes "stfu sf, I will let you off at your house, we can imagine you were quicker."

Made a good pocket deal of half ounce of ahatter and a ball for 450.

Blog ended
I thought the penis had to be hard to break it?

Had a chick ride me one time and I slipped out. She came down and I hit between here leg and vag. I have shoved a broken collar bone into a lung and had to wait 5 hours before they set it.

I believe the pecker thing hurt worse.

My penis actually popped like popping your knuckles or something. I don't think it ruptured the membrane that holds blood.
It just hurt like hell.
Let me tell you ... I was fifteen. I got an erection later that day. That was an eye waterer; I remember it 40 years after, ow
Not all Christians are like that.

It saddens me to see it.

I'm Christian and for me it boils down to do more for others. Even if you don't like them or believe the same.

Its kind of weird to me that people that believe the bible so strongly over look the part where all seed bearing herbs are ours to use.
The basic problem here is one of interpretation
Before I forget the ingredients. Or to tell you all completely, I have slowly gathered the ingredients and directions of my wife's Chicken dish. I will try my best to share with you fucks. There is no name, my wife just says that chicken.

That Chicken (2-4 servings)
1.5lb chicken wings chopped
Lil peanut oil
2tbs chili pepper sauce
5 small chilli peppers
1tbs Szechuan Peppercorns heaping
5 whole Anise stars
1tbs ginger chopped heaping
3 garlic cloves chopped
1 green onion big slivers
Dash of salt

Throw that peanut oil in a wok. Add garlic and ginger. Maybe some salt. Make sure dat bitch is hot. Add chicken. Cook and shit. Stir and shit. Add the pepper sauce, peppers, Peppercorns and Anise. Tell me to get you wine. Stir that shit. Cook until it's done and you don't get sick. Add the green onion 2 minutes before you're done. Turn the stove off. Pour that shit in a bowl. Eat it. I probably forgot something. Obviously you can adjust spiciness with pepper tweaking and shit.

Guizhou That Chicken.
Accomplished about 5 hours sleep since Wednesday morning, between trips to hospital and tossing salt. We got that 1/4''of ice with no snow on top, a thaw, then re-freeze. 3 pallets of ice melt, and an 2 hours sleep later, wife's water broke.

Real this time. @6cm and epidural in place.

@curious2garden got her up and moving few times yesterday and last night. her water broke 3 this morn. Dr says everything looking good. Wife is the most relaxed she's been in months. smooth so far...

Is it bad I want a drink?
Accomplished about 5 hours sleep since Wednesday morning, between trips to hospital and tossing salt. We got that 1/4''of ice with no snow on top, a thaw, then re-freeze. 3 pallets of ice melt, and an 2 hours sleep later, wife's water broke.

Real this time. @6cm and epidural in place.

@curious2garden got her up and moving few times yesterday and last night. her water broke 3 this morn. Dr says everything looking good. Wife is the most relaxed she's been in months. smooth so far...

Is it bad I want a drink?
LOL nope not bad to want a drink. I'll lift one for you today, 6 cm and full effacement is heading into transition, buckle up and enjoy the ride and take photos for us. They smell wonderful when they are brand new (they never smell that good ever again).