What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Just for you I slept an extra hour AND washed my hair. I hope the little Inda feels better soon. Oh yeah chunker is going to be a handful! I can't wait :D
Today was his last little field trip before he graduates K ......he finally fell asleep about 20 minutes ago ....poor guy has a really bad sore throat and threw up about 3 more times since late last night .....poor baby .....wish I could switch places with him ......the flu is going around the school ....the timing couldn't be any worse for him though .....perfect attendance and perfect grades ...hopefully he's better for his graduation ceremony Tuesday


Well-Known Member

Directed at me: " it is becoming clearer now why skl wanted you for a mod"

Me:" because I am top tier m8
Me and you would make a top tier copple young lady
You like how I called you young babeeeee"

Troll mode activated


Bitch she blew my cover. Giving out my forum name and exposing me. Yes I was on the troublesome users list but smod modded me because I am super smart and the best mod ever.
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Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I've gotta get shocks for my kids Camry. Does anyone have recommendations? I live north of Seattle.
Or if you know of places NOT to go, that would be helpful too.
I'll never go back to Les Schwab. I fucking hate those guys. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Doh my trap phone be buzzing like a mudda

Oh well

"I ain't trying to work for minimum wage
And I ain't tryin to trap till I'm locked in a cage"

Edited for clarity


Well-Known Member
I either die doing thia deal or die from the drooga

My babe says nogga has the best on thw block

Will update. 10 min or less I was told, he only does 4 pax and up.

Real black dude, my girl sucks his dick i reckon

Oh well


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
did great with the painting then afetr a few movies i had to search my survelance camera for the person who lit up the hoiuse across the street. I went back 2 hours and couldnt see anyone leave or go there. They just put it out..
IMG_1534 - Copy.JPG second fire , its toast now !
sqatters claim the house and nothing owners can do about it unfortunatly. thye dont have money. So anyway i called my nieghboor because ambers were everywhere and no answer so i ran over snd woke him up so he could watch his shit. Man , there alot of firemen outside. think ill light some stinkin fucking weed now .lol. Get back to my movie and close this night out.....
man just the other day there was an explosion from a thunder storm and it looked like his house blew up and it was the loudest bang i ever fucking heard. Fkilled my phone and bunch of his shit . we found the black mark outside his hiuse. made a huge boom and big orange flash . juts happened to be lookign his way out the window man. ran over with a fire extiguisher pronto like. they were alright but rattled pretty good.


Well-Known Member
did great with the painting then afetr a few movies i had to search my survelance camera for the person who lit up the hoiuse across the street. I went back 2 hours and couldnt see anyone leave or go there. They just put it out..
View attachment 3953259 second fire , its toast now !
sqatters claim the house and nothing owners can do about it unfortunatly. thye dont have money. So anyway i called my nieghboor because ambers were everywhere and no answer so i ran over snd woke him up so he could watch his shit. Man , there alot of firemen outside. think ill light some stinkin fucking weed now .lol. Get back to my movie and close this night out.....
man just the other day there was an explosion from a thunder storm and it looked like his house blew up and it was the loudest bang i ever fucking heard. Fkilled my phone and bunch of his shit . we found the black mark outside his hiuse. made a huge boom and big orange flash . juts happened to be lookign his way out the window man. ran over with a fire extiguisher pronto like. they were alright but rattled pretty good.
Jewish lightning.. because squatters?