What did you accomplish today?

Left my phone at McDonalds during my lunch break today....got home and realized it was missing ...tried to call it and no answer....so I got mommas phone and used the phone tracker app....said my phone was at McDonalds across town....so I went and at first a younger girl tried lying to me ...I asked for the manager and when he came out....I pulled him off to the side away from the girl denying my phone was there and said .....look dude I need my phone, she already told me you had it and said you weren't guna give it back .....LOL....I said il call the cops and show them the exact location of my phone...I also said even if you turn it off, I have a screen shot of it's location from 2 minutes ago...plus your co worker just said you have it in your office....((I was bullshitting of course)).....he walked in the office and brought me my phone LOL....you could all imagine what I had to say to them after that....I'm glad I got it back...but what a bunch of shady ass mofos ....that's why I didn't call to see if it was there ahead of time ........

Anyways, good night guys and gals

I never really did take that many pics of our outdoor crops, kinda wish I did now. Had to search for this one that i had posted a few years ago.
Here's one from about the same time as right now. We had a few of these spots. Lots of work. That part I actually kinda miss. We had lots of fun the crew and I. Until chop time. Oh fuck me I don't miss that shit! Lol
View attachment 3985657
5-10 lb'ers lot's of bomb diggity strains. No green crack and blue dream shit. Grown up at around 3000' elevation.
The front row was blue knight. Finished hella early. I miss that strain. Super potent early finishing hard to trim strain. Finished mid Sep. sold for almost indoor prices :-) we only averaged around 3lb's from that one
What are the hoops? At first I thought 1/2-3/4 in PVC, but they look flattened
Replaced my garage door opener today. I woke up to it burning itself out. Roomie tried to use it at like 230am on his way to the gym, it didnt work, and went off to gym then his place of employment. The motor kept going and going till i woke up around 9am to let the dogs out. Thats how my first house fire started, I'm not trying to see my third one any time soon!

So i relaced the unit with a shiny wifi-enabled Chamberlain, also assembled some shelving and completely organized my garage, installed bike hooks etc. And sanded and oiled a few pieces of furniture that were looking rough, just superficially thoigh, nothing fancy... i used a mixture of 1/4 fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1/4 white vinegar, and 1/2 olive oil on the wood, i think it came out pretty good, not dark but natural...

Wow. Nice to write it down, lol. I feel good about all that!

Currently bbqing some chicken breast and steaming some broccoli, leftover white rice in the fridge :)

Love, peace, and chicken grease yall!
Too bad, it's a shame to waste a fire when witches are about. Salem isn't all that far from you is it?

Pulled into (anchored out maybe?) Marblehead around 1989 or so. Me and a buddy hitchicked in the rain from Salem back to Marblehead. Cool waterfront town that actually liked the Navy. Very patriotic town, beautiful historic homes. Wouldn't mind going back to visit.