What did you accomplish today?

Got Kelp?
This is the good stuff, Ascophyllum nodosum
Stopped here for lunch yesterday, still can't see the Atlantic but getting closer.
Googins Island , Freeport Me .
The peninsula way in the center is where the lady was killed by a great white last week unfortunately.

Googins Island, there's an osprey nest right in the center.


There's hundreds of little islands in Caso Bay, all formed by these razor sharp rocks full of tide pools.



Lobsterboat heading home with the tide.
Casco Bay looks like Sweden with all the archipelagos.
Took 36 days but I finally have my garden fired up

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That looks like a men’s room from ‘70s sci-fi

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Restocked my joint jar, that was way down. Thats got 55 :bigjoint:,
Got it back up to 205 pre rolls in stock, plus 16 kief joints for the permanent collection.
I'm not putting em in with the others and playing roulette anymore...forgot what state I was in and how I got there when I smoked a kief joint for lunch. oops... Pint of coffee to offset it just made me talk waay too much.
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Now i'm hungry, made some Jalepeno peanut satay
God, thats fuckin good
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That joint jar makes my brain hurt.

The lid looks like it's round and the jar looks half round.

Almost finished getting the 4x8 ready. Just need 3 more lights and the charcoal filter and we done. My stepfather brought home 10 plants that are already budding from outdoors. I already have 9 going in my veg tent...Idk wtf he was thinking but now I have to figure out what to do. Only option is another tent. Fuckin tent city!!