What did you consumer fucks buy today?


Had to get a special charger today. Luckily they carry them at w4lm4rt now, so no waiting around a week. Hopefully it will charge up the brand new NOCO lifepo4 battery I bought a few months ago, that was completely f'ing dead when I went to start the bike! I better go find out now.. what the heck am I even doing online?

Oh yeah, and that MAF cleaner (+ a new o2 sensor).. oh man, the truck runs like its new in 1994 again. Saving so much on gas now its crazy. ;)
Bird netting I bought showed up today, I'll get it put on the blackberries tomorrow.
Only got to eat 6 cherries last year. They swooped the trees clean in less than 2 days, Before I could get out the ladders. Serious!. I was contemplating how I could get nets that high up and over like 30 ft on one of them. Never been pruned.. Drones would probably work, but i'm stuck with using a potato gun I guess. Hope it works, and doesn't sling shot the potatos back at me. I'll wear protective hear, and motorcycle helmet. Already gonna look crazy enough for the neighbors, sucking away all the wasp nets in my homemade bee suit with a shop vac. Wish me luck!
Negative on the battery charge. A $100 paper weight. You can't even let them sit unused in the brand new box, or they waste away in less than half a years time. I'm sure the 5 year warranty is worthless too, like some of the reviews say, we'll see. Someone said the only way to revive them is to hook up the same exact fully charged battery, terminals to terminals, to jumpstart the BMS into working again, or something like that.. Ya I'm good. Gonna take the fancy charger back, and get a good ol'e lead acid, gel, or agm battery for a little bit more. Lame. The future of electric vehicles isn't look so bright IMO.
Negative on the battery charge. A $100 paper weight. You can't even let them sit unused in the brand new box, or they waste away in less than half a years time. I'm sure the 5 year warranty is worthless too, like some of the reviews say, we'll see. Someone said the only way to revive them is to hook up the same exact fully charged battery, terminals to terminals, to jumpstart the BMS into working again, or something like that.. Ya I'm good. Gonna take the fancy charger back, and get a good ol'e lead acid, gel, or agm battery for a little bit more. Lame. The future of electric vehicles isn't look so bright IMO.

Bummer. I just got a little 4amp charger like that to keep my new deep cycle battery for the new trolling motor in tiptop shape. I have one of those big farm charger/booster units for any heavy duty needs.

The only thing I spent money on today was to pay for my online small craft boating license so I'm good to go now!

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Needs to be lengthened a few inches... 100$ shipped ...will look nice with my safire and gold diamond rings and bracelets and pimp boss lambskin leather jacket and all of my other yuppy designer gear... ...ehhh

We're going to need pics of that!

We're going to need pics of that!

I already posted in some thread that said 'post a pic of yourself'.


This is a cartoon rendition of my old passport photo. I have since gained weight and my hair is very long and I always wear sunglasses. even at bed time. I sort of look like ozzy osbourne when younger and dress yuppy, everything I wear is money, i smell like money, and I get lots of negative attention at the grocery store... but I'm not really rich... i just have expensive taste..