What did you do for 4 days?

Day one wasn't bad, had some mild withdrawal early, by hour 12 I was starting to wonder wtf was going on. After hour 24 I figured there must have been a terrorist attack, I started to gather food and supplies. Around the end of day two, my neighbor came up to the house, I thought he was after my food so I shot him, I killed his dog ands put it on salt, didn't know when I'll get more food. I've been out for the last 8 hours hunting neighborhood animals. Had a shootout with some more people that tried stealing the dogs I shot, I thought we were in an apocalyptic scenario. I figured I check once more before locking down the fallout shelter...... and its back...I think my neighbors still alive in the snowbank, I should go apologize and maybe lay low around town for awhile. :bigjoint:
Day one wasn't bad, had some mild withdrawal early, by hour 12 I was starting to wonder wtf was going on. After hour 24 I figured there must have been a terrorist attack, I started to gather food and supplies. Around the end of day two, my neighbor came up to the house, I thought he was after my food so I shot him, I killed his dog ands put it on salt, didn't know when I'll get more food. I've been out for the last 8 hours hunting neighborhood animals. Had a shootout with some more people that tried stealing the dogs I shot, I thought we were in an apocalyptic scenario. I figured I check once more before locking down the fallout shelter...... and its back...I think my neighbors still alive in the snowbank, I should go apologize and maybe lay low around town for awhile. :bigjoint:
BBQ at WF's house! I'm bringing mustard
I went outside. It was bright. I'm safe back indoors now.

Also I went to pool school and got these useless trade credits for sitting through 16 hours of sales pitch disguised as field service training. The first day was a taco kit lunch though. It was fucking good. Everything else sucked though. All dudes too.

Joined grass city, the first 4 posts I read were hilarious

One was I smoked pot out of a apple for my first time getting high

Other was how should I get my friend high for the first time

The demographic there way different good for a laugh that's about it