what do all of you use to prevent deer from eating your crop?what works best?


i had trouble last year with deer,there seems to be nothing that stops them from eating my buds that they sell at stores. I use leathal force on small varmits such as a 22 rifle
but where i live anything louder will atract attention.so what commercial products work for you?


Well-Known Member
Go to an outdoors or hunting store and get some Red Fox Urine. Spray this around your plants and the deer will think there is a predator nearby. It doesn't last all that long so after a few rains you will need to re-apply it in the area of your grow. There are also many deer and rabbit repellants on the market for gardens which may or may not work, they are meant more for small flower gardens or vegetable gardens. I've used the urine scent before and it works, depending on how big an area your grow is.


Well-Known Member
you can go to a barber and get some hair to sprinkle on the area around the plants or powdered blood works well too

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
There was a thread about this a while ago.

One suggestion was to use fishing line and make sort of a fence around your grow.

The deer will walk into it, not see what the fuck it is, get tangled up and run away scared.

That or pissing near your grow to mark your territory, or fox urine, or using human hair...

edit: ahh here is the thread \/


fishing line around your grow... deer get scared of shit that touvh em and cant see.... coyote piss socked rag, or sock..... fox urine also works.... most predater urine or even feces will work....... also you can set traps


Deer hate the smell of garlic. even planting it throught will help to keep them away. or get some deer repelant spray at a gardening store and spray it around the perimeter. It reaks like garlic though, I wouldnt hit the plants with it.


Well-Known Member
i could of swore i heard pissing around (not directly on) your plants helps prevent random things, not sure about deer tho