I'm not completely anti-American, just anti-American government
I think if you took a poll of the Americans on this site, you would find we agree with you.
I'm not completely anti-American, just anti-American government
lol I'm not afraid of the british. I have no beef with them.. I just think the majority of them are dicks..
Would you rather be overweight by like 10 pounds or have some mangled yellow teeth?
What do Brits think of the Septics? You honestly want ananswer to that?
OK, you asked for it!:
Obese, materialistic, polluting, grossly over consuming, insular, poorly travelled, loud, obnoxious, ill-educated, bigoted, gun toting, war-mongering pussies who moan for years on end over the ONE single terrorist attack on their soil as if it wasn't but a tiny percentage of the misery they've inflicted on the world, and then use it as a justification to create even more misery, death and destruction! Phew!
War on "commies", war on drugs, war on terror-War, war and more fucking war. I could go on, so I will!
Hysterical, bogey-man chasing indoctrinated mugs who cheer for the deaths inflicted on brown people on the other side of the world yet act indignant when the true horror of it is brought to their own doorstep.
Murderous, hypocritical wankers that have killed more people in the last 40 years than any other nation yet hold themselves up as the glorious beacon of democracy to the world and to the peoples they slaughter.
The nation who thinks it's perfectly just to send a death squad into a sovereign"ally" nation to kill someone instead of arresting, trying and convicting them in an international court of law.
Coup-sponsoring, rebel funding fucks with their pervasive tendrils pushing their democratic agenda worldwide, until the wind changes and the rebels they previously supported with arms and funds suddenly become"terrorists".
The land of the free with the biggest prison population in the world, the home of the brave who drop bombs on civilians from high altitude.
The richest nation in the world that won't even provide free healthcare to its needy citizens, or help them when the levy's break. The originators of such ethical mega-corps like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Monsanto.
Oh, but they've got good teeth!
The funniest thing about all of the above is that most Americans will completely fail to see the irony!
Please. Yanks do not get us wrong. we have been doing - it for a long time.
Brits feel they are under appreciated by the Americans (fair enough), sometimes.
Gees dude.. that kinda hurtWhat do Brits think of the Septics? You honestly want ananswer to that?
OK, you asked for it!:
Obese, materialistic, polluting, grossly over consuming, insular, poorly travelled, loud, obnoxious, ill-educated, bigoted, gun toting, war-mongering pussies who moan for years on end over the ONE single terrorist attack on their soil as if it wasn't but a tiny percentage of the misery they've inflicted on the world, and then use it as a justification to create even more misery, death and destruction! Phew!
War on "commies", war on drugs, war on terror-War, war and more fucking war. I could go on, so I will!
Hysterical, bogey-man chasing indoctrinated mugs who cheer for the deaths inflicted on brown people on the other side of the world yet act indignant when the true horror of it is brought to their own doorstep.
Murderous, hypocritical wankers that have killed more people in the last 40 years than any other nation yet hold themselves up as the glorious beacon of democracy to the world and to the peoples they slaughter.
The nation who thinks it's perfectly just to send a death squad into a sovereign"ally" nation to kill someone instead of arresting, trying and convicting them in an international court of law.
Coup-sponsoring, rebel funding fucks with their pervasive tendrils pushing their democratic agenda worldwide, until the wind changes and the rebels they previously supported with arms and funds suddenly become"terrorists".
The land of the free with the biggest prison population in the world, the home of the brave who drop bombs on civilians from high altitude.
The richest nation in the world that won't even provide free healthcare to its needy citizens, or help them when the levy's break. The originators of such ethical mega-corps like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Monsanto.
Oh, but they've got good teeth!
The funniest thing about all of the above is that most Americans will completely fail to see the irony!
^Aww...I feel bad now, a decent set of responses altogether. I was playing Devils advocate sort o' thing .
What do Brits think of the Septics? You honestly want ananswer to that?
OK, you asked for it!:
Obese, materialistic, polluting, grossly over consuming, insular, poorly travelled, loud, obnoxious, ill-educated, bigoted, gun toting, war-mongering pussies who moan for years on end over the ONE single terrorist attack on their soil as if it wasn't but a tiny percentage of the misery they've inflicted on the world, and then use it as a justification to create even more misery, death and destruction! Phew!
War on "commies", war on drugs, war on terror-War, war and more fucking war. I could go on, so I will!
Hysterical, bogey-man chasing indoctrinated mugs who cheer for the deaths inflicted on brown people on the other side of the world yet act indignant when the true horror of it is brought to their own doorstep.
Murderous, hypocritical wankers that have killed more people in the last 40 years than any other nation yet hold themselves up as the glorious beacon of democracy to the world and to the peoples they slaughter.
The nation who thinks it's perfectly just to send a death squad into a sovereign"ally" nation to kill someone instead of arresting, trying and convicting them in an international court of law.
Coup-sponsoring, rebel funding fucks with their pervasive tendrils pushing their democratic agenda worldwide, until the wind changes and the rebels they previously supported with arms and funds suddenly become"terrorists".
The land of the free with the biggest prison population in the world, the home of the brave who drop bombs on civilians from high altitude.
The richest nation in the world that won't even provide free healthcare to its needy citizens, or help them when the levy's break. The originators of such ethical mega-corps like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Monsanto.
Oh, but they've got good teeth!
The funniest thing about all of the above is that most Americans will completely fail to see the irony!
Would you rather be overweight by like 10 pounds or have some mangled yellow teeth?
Well this thread was exactly what I thought it would be...
1. Mr. Bean
2. Lowkey
3. Fawlty Towers
4. Are You Being Served?
5. Snatch.
That should do it for now.
How the heck has no one mentioned the Carry On movies yet?!