What do I do?!? Jock 3 weeks flowering...


Well-Known Member
Hey there. Can you guys take a look at the photos below and let me know what you think the issue(s) is/are?? Would appreciate it.

The close up of pic number 1, you can see that the new leaves are yellowing from the inside out (not tips), and the other pics you can see spots on the fan leaves. I have already plucked off A LOT of fan leaves (as you can see), due to spots, yellowing, curling, and drying up. As of right now, I have NO curling leaves, just spots.

I don't want all my hard work to go down the shitter. Thanks guys!!! :leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Are u phing water after u add nutes. If u are u may be giving to much or not enough nutes.Looks like you nute stressin em


Well-Known Member
i never seen , yellow from the inside out
this is new, but makes sense if it is nut stressed

comin from the in to the outs

could mos def be nut stress though

what have you been doin to them?


Well-Known Member
By nute stress, do you mean too much nutes? Yeah, I make sure the PH is correct after adding nutes to the water. A couple times, I haven't been able to raise it (after adding, it was like 5.8), and have been using mostly Molasses. The other nutes I use are Miracle Gro Blooming, a splash of Alaska MorBloom (for the fish emulsions), and couple drops of SuperThrive (hormone [maybe using too much of this??]). How do you recommend I correct the problem?? And is there anything at the grocery store I can buy to RAISE the PH?


Active Member
well i wouldnot use miracle grow anything. By nute stress i mean u are over fertin plant.
I think some peeps have used bakin soda to raise and lemon to drop but im not sure. ypu might wnna search im sure its here


Well-Known Member
I had thrips for a couple weeks before I noticed (shame on me!!), and I believe that I currently am having a PH issue, and OVER nuting it to try and correct it. Off to Safeway I go to buy 10 gallons of Distilled water....Its flushing time! I think thats the ONLY way to fix all this crap. Thanks guys, your advice led me to some conclusions (comparing what you said to what I do to the plants). Check back in soon!

Laters :shock:


Well-Known Member
yea sounds like a lotta nutes ya gotta really know what your doin if your gonna be combing that much....


Well-Known Member
yea sounds like a lotta nutes ya gotta really know what your doin if your gonna be combing that much....
Agreed. However, I wasn't doing the combing, lol. The leaves were falling off :sad:

Well, upgraded to ALL FoxFarm nutes today!!! Finally found the whole line locally.

Keep ya posted! :leaf: