What do i do, shes dying.

Just leave her alone as long as the soil is moist...she looks overwatered...I'd just leave her alone for a few days, it should turn out fine.
That's why I ask if he transplanted with the new soil being dry soil.
If he did his soil may appear to be moist from watering but could have large dry pockets still.
Nah most the soil was fairly moist as it was soil that was used from previous plants i had outside, but i put a little water on her to top her off after transplant. She was underwatered somehow cuz after i put a tad bit over the top after she kept drooping severly worse and i watched it visibly sank down to the roots, she sprouted almost imediately. I know how to grow plants, just first time cannabis plant grow. I mean, i guess your opinion was a good one, just not necessarily the right one in this circumstance. Lmfao. This is her now, enjoying the sun


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Just so you guys know, im not going for a perfect grow, i dont even smoke, im just wanting it to NOT perish. Lol, its kind of just a hobby i picked up, im not expecting my first grow to make Tommy Chongs jaw drop, so... maybe if it was my 4th or 5th grow, it'd be a different story.
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If you're going to do it, you may try do it right, its looking good now, good resuscitation. Its am interesting hobby, enjoy!
Root damage, she'll be fine.
probably just set you back a week.

Next time you can form a transplant molding in your bigger pot with your current size pot.
Just so you guys know, im not going for a perfect grow, i dont even smoke, im just wanting it to NOT perish. Lol, its kind of just a hobby i picked up, im not expecting my first grow to make Tommy Chongs jaw drop, so... maybe if it was my 4th or 5th grow, it'd be a different story.

When it was drooping and dry did you pick it up and feel the weight?

When it's light like that weight again, water it until it pours out the bottom

And then leave it alone until it feels that light again
-good luck
So i transplanted this pretty lady here. And this happened. Ive been looking ALL OVER THE INTERNET about what to do, and im baffled. The closest i can think, is maybe its overwatered. But im a damn noob and i really dont want her to do. She's all i got. ANY help or advice would be appreciated. I dont have many resources either. Was about this time yesterday that i repotted and it took about 18 hours for it to look like this, up until then she looked like she loved it. Please help.
Needs more light, thin spindly like my willy
I didnt say anyone was wrong. Infact, i said everybodys advice was great. Like i had said before, im not going for a perfect grow. Jeez, out of everyone in this world, i wouldnt imagine a bunch of pot heads would be so judgemental. Lol, my god. (Also not downing anyone for smoking, i used to smoke a LOT myself, just not at this moment in my life. Well i think im going to get off this site. Out of the 15-20 replies i got, most of yall were bashing my plant. As if it matters to yall anywaaayy. But thanks for the advice! Its outside by the way, dont know how to just tell the sun to provide more light. Lol everybody starts somewhere! And most people dont start off the bat trying to grow the worlds best plant! God bless!
I didnt say anyone was wrong. Infact, i said everybodys advice was great. Like i had said before, im not going for a perfect grow. Jeez, out of everyone in this world, i wouldnt imagine a bunch of pot heads would be so judgemental. Lol, my god. (Also not downing anyone for smoking, i used to smoke a LOT myself, just not at this moment in my life. Well i think im going to get off this site. Out of the 15-20 replies i got, most of yall were bashing my plant. As if it matters to yall anywaaayy. But thanks for the advice! Its outside by the way, dont know how to just tell the sun to provide more light. Lol everybody starts somewhere! And most people dont start off the bat trying to grow the worlds best plant! God bless!
RIU is the wild west of forums. Many like that aspect.
Obviously it's not for everybody and that's cool.
Check out some of the other forums. I here some of them enforce polite conversations.
Polite conversations would ruin RIU's wild west style something many of us would miss.
Where ever you decide to hang. Happy Growing!
Well im more than likely going to stick around, in case i come up with more problems. Ive been through a lot of forums, and theres a LOT of problems that ive seen others go through. And since everyone here seems to know what there doing (however cocky yall may be about it) its all been great advice with really fast responses. Its all been greatly appreciated as well, im not that salty. Lol.
RIU is the wild west of forums. Many like that aspect.
Obviously it's not for everybody and that's cool.
Check out some of the other forums. I here some of them enforce polite conversations.
Polite conversations would ruin RIU's wild west style something many of us would miss.
Where ever you decide to hang. Happy Growing!
Amen. Id rather everyone be uber rude, crass, classless, and free to say ANYTHING over everyone being polite and nice thru mods
You'll get some assholes around here for sure, just skim on past those types of people though...no one listens to their advice half the time anyways :) I've always said that people stop listening when they become insulted. I sure do lmao.