what do the attitude t's look like?

stealth , Anal , and hand delivered now offered

I've heard rumors about the anal delivery coming soon, but just didn't believe it. I heard it only costs $99.99 but they give you a discount code for $3 off of that so it's all cool man !!!! They also updated their tracking system so you are updated every 4 days instead of 3, they are on the ball. Don't forget the freebies this week, they found a bunch of seeds in a corner that had fallen out of the packages over the years and they giving away one with each order and if you pay $9.99 shipping a piece you can have them free. They are called X99, some top secret stuff that we aren't even allowed to discuss. They aren't even afraid of being found out because they know someone out there will claim it's the best stuf they've ever grown, maybe it will be, didn't chemdog come from a freak accident of bagseeds somewhere ? To even it out though, they predict someone will be complaining that all their plants where Hermies, and they bought 40 seeds since they where free, so they should know.

Peace my friends.........
I don't know about Anal delivery but every shirt I got from them so far I wouldn't whipe my ass with, but hey they serve there purpose. They must just buy shirts from the 90% off bin for shipping.
An attitude seeds t shirt would be cool. I got a friend whos a bit of a graphics artist and makes his own shirts and sells them. This has actually got me started thinking about making my own marijuana t shirts.
If they were smart that is what they would do is sell attitude t-shirts, free shipping with every $20 Attitude shirt. It wouldtake extra effort on their part and they are getting $29.99 for selling rags at this point so why take a loss in the gains column ?