What do these leafs mean . Help with my plant thank you .. Blueberry strain


Active Member
Any idea whats the problem ? Now the plant is in flowering. Only has 2 more of these leafs on it. It was going thru root rott i have it growing outside but i guess the light hit the bucket to much and light went in the bucket . DWC is what is plant is in. I put an extra bucket and now i new white white roots coming in now and started growing. But these leafs just came out should i be worried ?.?



Well-Known Member
From those pics of your leaves I can see
Nitrogen deficiency - yellow and pale (red stems)
Phosphorous deficiency - the blackened looking parts to the yellow leaf
Magnesium deficiency - burnt tips curling upwards.

Most of which would probably be over come by increasing your nutrient strength.


It could be caused by some underlying issue such as pH, medium used, environmental factors.

Give more information relating to your grow and the areas effected on the plant.



Active Member
my ppms start at 0 . I add about 1000 ppms in total. 3 flora series . cal mag . a drop of supertrive per gallon and adjust the ph . I live in los angeles so it's hot and alot of light . Growing it outdoors in a dwc 5 gallon bucket. First time grower. Plant is about 4 or 5 ft


Well-Known Member
Keep us posted,I want to see dwc outside.
I'm not in a legal place,but been wondering how that would be on the outside.?
Maybe a tomatoe to see.


Well-Known Member
If you are doing DWC you should be reading your res to see how they're feeding.

Check your DWC bucket for ppm and pH every 24hours. If the ppm's are falling then the chances are your pH will increase.
If the ppm fall by more than 150ppm you can increase your mix strength.

Something else to watch out for is the temp of your nutes in the DWC.

LeT me know how your res tests.

Maybe a whole plant pic would help too.
