The plant is looking ok..check for pests closely, but it may have been a bit too big for the cup and /or perhaps waterings were not great? Appears to be calcium related. Your water is not great, very high alkalinity at 177 ppm! High bicarbonates, higher sodium, which competes with calcium, if it hasn't caused problems may once she starts eating and growing more. Calcium deficiencies will usually pop up with watering/transpiration issues. Too much or too little water, or if the plant is not taking the water up in a proper manner (too fast or too slow)..calcium is the first element to suffer, and it will appear at the farthest part from the stem..where it takes water the longest to get to. If the plant drinks too slowly (or not watered often enough with enough water), calcium cannot get to where it has to go..if the plant drinks too fast (too hot/dry surroundings), then the calcium will get deposited to the lower parts of the plant first, and the tops will get the water without the calcium in it. Environmental factors are usually the first cause of calcium deficiencies (assuming one is using some type of fertilizer and/or tap water which contains it).