What do y’all think about this ?


About a week or so ago I popped 2 seeds at the same time . One Germinated significantly quicker than the other so after a few days I impatiently put them both in there pots . With one seed being around a inch and the other being an 1/2 inch long root once germinated out. The other seedling has been doing great growing healthy and the correct size, this other one is struggling and dying . But there both in the same exact outdoor conditions I’m not sure what can be causing my seedlings to die outdoors so quickly, maybe I should leave them inside starting out from now on ? And I don’t think the soils an issue cause there basically in pure coco coir until there roots reach the soil . So it’s not burnt, it’s not under watering I don’t think? also maybe just bad genetics . Or I’m just missing something , or the heat and sun has been to harsh for it

And is there anyway I can save this girl ? And is there even any point ? It’s a auto flower also if that helps . I’ve had this happen a few other times now too. Is it to stunted to save


Well-Known Member
This is most probably purely the specific seed, happened to me many times. Some seeds just don't want
to germinate/grow properly.. In my opinion when starting a new strain buy maybe 4 - 8 seeds, germinate, veg (take clones
off all of them making sure you know which clones are for which plant ), then flower ect and whichever one grows the strongest
and has the best end result keep those clones and ditch the rest.. It's a slow but necessary process if you want to do it properly.