what do yall think ?


what do yall think of these so far?they are 34 days old,i know there kinda small,cause of there first few weeks i had shitty lights and i think i shocked there roots when i transplanted them.
this is them 24 days old (10 days ago)

this is them now,34 days old.do they look healthier?any suggestions on how to get them to perk up a lil instead of being droopy?also i been trying to fim them,can yall tell from these pics if my fim worked?
If they were mine they would get replanted deeper into the ground but thats just what I would do with them. Them stems be way too feeble for my liking.
They seem to be stretching a bit, not a huge problem but the stems will be weak if you don't sort that out, I am not an HPS guru but I would say move them closer to the light. You can just bury the stems to help the stretching, not sure about the tying down thing, but it's peaked my interest so I am going to go find out. Apart from that they look pretty good mate, well done.
How long have you had a 600 mh light on them? and what food are you giving them.

i only had them under the mh light for like 2 weeks,before that they only had 2 24 watt cfl and a 175 watt floro.i just recently began to feed them dyna-gro grow plant food 7-9-5.so do yall think they are getting back on track with there growth?
for 2 weeks under a 600 MH they are looking really bad. What kind of soil do you have them in? I can not guide you on dyna-gro food because I have never used it. But whatever you give them you should give them a good flush through. For how old they are you are way behind on growth.

If you had a picture from 7 days ago and a picture from today that would help to see if they are back on track :) GL
for 2 weeks under a 600 MH they are looking really bad. What kind of soil do you have them in? I can not guide you on dyna-gro food because I have never used it. But whatever you give them you should give them a good flush through. For how old they are you are way behind on growth.

If you had a picture from 7 days ago and a picture from today that would help to see if they are back on track :) GL

the pic on top is from 10 days ago,and the bottom 2 pics are from today,i have them in miricle gro organic soil,only soil i could find at the time,put i plan on puting them in fox farm soil when i tranplant them.i think they made great improvement over the last 10 days but im sstill not sure if there growth speed is normal or slow growth for 10 days