What Do You Do About Asshole Drivers @ Night?


Well-Known Member
I live in the Country and sure enough every fucking night some prick is tailgating me with his brights up. Usually I slow from 50 ish down to about 20 and theyll get the hint and pass me.

One guy tonite followed me all the way down my street with his high beams on. I paused in the middle of the street and he finally went around me after about a minute

What can I do about this? It's getting old and I don't like being blinded, nor do I want to pull over to let these assholes go by me at 2am sometimes.

IDK. I try not to drive at all anymore, but even when I do I have to fight the urge to swerve into on coming most of the time. As far as ass riders go, I like to break check 'em. Or just slow down to about 40 something, and if they try to pass, I will pull in front of them and just go super slow. You could always buy a super bright hunting spot light and send that fucker beaming through the back seat if they get too close...
IDK. I try not to drive at all anymore, but even when I do I have to fight the urge to swerve into on coming most of the time. As far as ass riders go, I like to break check 'em. Or just slow down to about 40 something, and if they try to pass, I will pull in front of them and just go super slow. You could always buy a super bright spot light and send that fucker beaming through the back seat if they get too close...

My insurance is jacked up enough without getting rear ended from playing break check. Especially these big trucks will just destroy my little sports car lol
Try slowing down to half the speed limit and turn on your 4 way flashers. Stay to right and they should go by. If they don't........... well as Ron White said "you can't fix stupid". Good luck.
That's not as bad as having the assholes coming at you with their brights on. It seems that most people do this around my kid's school. I always thought it was illegal to drive with your brights on if conditions didn't warrant it, but it doesn't seem so. I would put my brights on to join the party and see if anyone objected. Nope. In my defense, I don't have these super bright halogen/led fucking lights like so many do. I'm thinking of rigging a mirror that runs the length of my rear window to pop up: whenever those monster lights hit me from behind, my mirror pops up to blind them. How do you like that, asshole???
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That's not as bad as having the assholes coming at you with their brights on. It seems that most people do this around my kid's school. I always thought it was illegal to drive with your brights on if conditions didn't warrant it, but it doesn't seem so. I would put my brights on to join the party and see if anyone objected. Nope. In my defense, I don't have these super bright halogen/led fucking lights like so many do. I'm thinking of rigging a mirror the runs the length of my rear window to pop up: whenever those monster lights hit me from behind, my mirror pops up to blind them. How
do you like that, asshole???

And why the fuck is it that these morons think it's OK to drive towards you with their fucking tires right on the goddamn centerline while they hold their cell phone at the top of the fucking steering wheel?

I just beep and start flashing my lights like I just passed a cop and fuck them into slowing down and paying attention. Fuck 'em.
And why the fuck is it that these morons think it's OK to drive towards you with their fucking tires right on the goddamn centerline while they hold their cell phone at the top of the fucking steering wheel?

I just beep and start flashing my lights like I just passed a cop and fuck them into slowing down and paying attention. Fuck 'em.

Wow, so much drama/potentially dangerous stuff, glad I don't drive.
I hate bad drivers caused me to lose my favorite car, you don't realize how much you love somthing till its gone image.jpegNailed the cement barrier at like 70 no seatbelt, suprised and lucky it didn't roll
I live in the Country and sure enough every fucking night some prick is tailgating me with his brights up. Usually I slow from 50 ish down to about 20 and theyll get the hint and pass me.

One guy tonite followed me all the way down my street with his high beams on. I paused in the middle of the street and he finally went around me after about a minute

What can I do about this? It's getting old and I don't like being blinded, nor do I want to pull over to let these assholes go by me at 2am sometimes.

My suggestion: ignore the jerks. They are waiting for you to react. If you react, you've lost; they are in your head now. Just don't give them that.
Best investment I've made is a fucking dashcam. Bad drivers, cops ect. High beams from the rear, I used to aim my driver side mirror back at them.