What Do You Do In This Case?


Well-Known Member
So I toke with a buddy quite often, well tonight he came over I packed a nice .5 g bowl in my freshly cleaned HBG well he took his hit and pulled on bowl with it came the downstem shattering into a million pieces! So 2 questions do I make him pay me back?? Secondly what sort of stem should I look for?


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just too stoned to really care but the down stem for my pipe was only $25. Granted $25 is not exactly a small chunk of change in this economy, but I still don't think I'd hold a friend to it unless they absolutely insisted. I have 4 different down-stems for my bong, two 19mm and two 14mm down converters. I figure if one breaks we can keep smoking. If he broke the whole pipe, ya I'd hold him(or her) to that since it cost me $150.

I would try and find a shop that has the same HBG you have and match the length exactly, beyond that I personally like diffuser down stems. My pipe has 18 diffusers in 3 perc trees, and all of my downstems are diffused as well. I'm not a brand person, if it looks sturdy and the glass is solid I'm good with it. I've seen just as many high quality pieces and bong parts for $10 - $30 as I've seen $100+ parts that are crap.


Well-Known Member
If you guys are good friends he'd replace it with something similar or get you something cool to make up for it. If I hung out with friends I'd be like that.:lol:


Well-Known Member
i made a little disclaimer on my bong: you break you buy (parts included).

it sounds a bit dick, but if i didnt break it it shoulndt be my responsibilty to fix it.....

Buy a 2$ clip (like illedelphs have) and this will never happen again.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Eh' accidents happen, it not like he was fucking around and threw it or something...but if he is willing to pay without incident then let him...if you ask and it's clear he is not comfortable then don't push it..not worth loosing a good friend over some BS you wont even remember a month from now..


Well-Known Member
When faced with lifes difficult decisions such as this, I always ask myself what advice would Master Po give to Grasshopper?
The answer

zig zags or cheap pipe are Grassshopper's best friend, not his fellow grasshopper.