What do you do when very stoned


Well-Known Member
What do you guys get up to on a good bake? Are there any isnpired arts?

Me personally cant watch tv cus i dont have one but

Unreal tournament 2004
Chillout music

These are my main 4. I dont think im very social when i smoke lol

The poi im talking about is spinning a ball on a string with each hand in a coordinated way. It a maori tribe art. Can be done with fire!


Active Member
i just set there and think about crasy shit, i know im stoned when i katch my self just setting in my room thinking and staring at fish tank


Well-Known Member
come on to RIU and read post by ppl that only have 10 post and not bothered to read the other 200 post with same question


Global Moderator
Staff member
Play steel tip darts. Nothing better than throwing extremely sharp objects while really stoned.
Ton 74 in tournament play last week ! :-P
Thats two trip 20's followed by a trip 18.

stona lady

come on to RIU and read post by ppl that only have 10 post and not bothered to read the other 200 post with same question
my bad. i should be dragged by my hair and spanked. :-P i like to watch the weather when i'm high. once i tried to carve soap. stupid hobby.