What do you do when you grow too much weed?

If your anywhere North of Bad Axe, or up to Port Austin, it gets COLD during the winter, getting hit 2 fold off the Bay and Lake Huron. I can easily see why it takes 8 or more cord to get you thru the winter.
You need to find someone up that way to trade wood for weed.
I'm 50 miles south of the tip, and it usually takes me a pallet and a half of pellets just to keep the garage warm and cars out of the cold.
If I use the basement fireplace, I could keep the house about 65, but would go thru way too much wood for that.

We have some hawks they are smaller than our chickens so they leave them alone. The fishers dominate rodents in the woods. It's pretty awesome to watch live and when reviewing game camera footage.

We woke up on Valentine's Day in 2021 to find a sharp shinned hawk de-feathering and disemboweling a live starling under a feeder in our backyard. Which does set the mood for the day. It left a bloody circle in the snow...until Mrs. L.E.G. asked me to go out with a shovel and de-blood the back yard.
Boy, I could sure help get rid of some of that, if it was legal to do so, that is. However,
I asked the dispo about what to do with the old stuff of theirs i have that i don't want,
and they didn't have much to offer, other than dump it. :sigh:
Gah, the abbreviations, help! "JLF stands for JADAM Liquid Fertilizer.
The belief is that the plant you are growing is best fertilized by the same plant since it knows what to collect."
No such thing as to much. Just like u cant have to much money. If u not growing for commercial use then u should give away all that u can't possibly consume. I give away about 4 zips a month. Trade 2 zips smoke 2 zips. On a perpetual harvest so I like growing new strains and having multiple variety at all times. I got friends and family saving hundreds of dollars. Kinda feels gd.
Op could turn it all to bubble hash then temple balls. Will store for years! Plus barter with temple balls…
Op could turn it all to bubble hash then temple balls. Will store for years! Plus barter with temple balls…
Yep hash it up. Lately I've been pressing rosin from herbs and hash. Its the way to go. I can smoke the rosin indoors with no odor. Taste and high are optimal. Super clean and healthy since its actually vaped and no combustion. U can go thru alot of weed so no such thing as having to much.
I enjoy sharing very much-
I have also had success with baking cookies and brownies- sent my buddy in California a batch of cookies and he said he had never gotten high on edibles- he ate 2 small ones and was floored at how high he was.
I have a good butter process and lately have been adding 1/4-3/8 oz decarbed weed directly into the dough along with the canna butter- even more in brownies.
No worries about anyone stealing any- everyone is now afraid to eat one.
If I eat 1 a couple hours before bed I sleep very well. If I have 2 I have crazy dreams.
When baking a fresh batch it is hard to resist warm cookies- I ate 2 warm and 2 later on- woke with a weed hangover for the first time in years. I drink very little alcohol and had zero that day- my friend had a similar reaction.
2 hours after ingesting-
Bubble hash is also a favorite- pretty easy to make and delicious to use.
I enjoy sharing very much-
I have also had success with baking cookies and brownies- sent my buddy in California a batch of cookies and he said he had never gotten high on edibles- he ate 2 small ones and was floored at how high he was.
I have a good butter process and lately have been adding 1/4-3/8 oz decarbed weed directly into the dough along with the canna butter- even more in brownies.
No worries about anyone stealing any- everyone is now afraid to eat one.
If I eat 1 a couple hours before bed I sleep very well. If I have 2 I have crazy dreams.
When baking a fresh batch it is hard to resist warm cookies- I ate 2 warm and 2 later on- woke with a weed hangover for the first time in years. I drink very little alcohol and had zero that day- my friend had a similar reaction.
2 hours after ingesting-
Bubble hash is also a favorite- pretty easy to make and delicious to use.
Love your comments...a buddy would eat 2 or 3 cookies at a time when most friends feared a half. I call those dudes the Explorers, like the guys on Star Trek who looked for the edge of the Frontier.

The gram dabbers or yeah that guy trying to varnish his lungs with a 28g dab wtf guys you know you need those lungs right?
First time grower here.

Problem: I grew too much weed.

I’m about to harvest 7-8 plants. WAY more than I can smoke or get rid of in the near term.

Should I go through the normal hang drying/curing process, take what I need for the next 2-3 months, and then just freeze the rest for later?

What’s the best (and most economical) way to do long-term storage? Any good threads on this? I’m seeing all sorts of advice.

One plant at a time is more than enough for my weed needs, in fact I cant keep up and some of my buds have been curing for over a year....

I thought about growing more, but have no need for that much weed.... Its crazy here in Virginia now, the price of weed has dropped in half and people like me are giving it away for free!

Yes I said it. Weed is almost FREE in Virginia now.... At least the wash DC metro area... Local delivery services have also dropped prices redicoulously low, around 100-150 an ounce. (same bud was around 300 a Z a year or two ago) Life is good !
Soon enough the rich and powerful who used to make money selling in their state will pressure the Fed govt to decriminalize it nationally. That's their only play left to make money. Then they can ship between states that's when it gets nuts and becomes almost free (i.e. Washington, Oregon, California can export to other states...others will follow)
Soon enough the rich and powerful who used to make money selling in their state will pressure the Fed govt to decriminalize it nationally. That's their only play left to make money. Then they can ship between states that's when it gets nuts and becomes almost free (i.e. Washington, Oregon, California can export to other states...others will follow)

Oregon's already passed legislation allowing interstate transport of cannabis. We're ready to flood the country once it becomes legal at the federal level.
