What do you do when you have no more weed?

you know its 7 weeks till harvest and i only have 24 oz's of super primo top bud left!! i will have to cut back on my partying to make sure it lasts! but i do have a half pound of black hash stashed for emergency use. im ok.
Move on with life. It's not the end of the world. the trick is every now n then try ween yourself off it for a day then try go longer. Do this every now n then so you prove to yourself you won't die without it and you can hold out until you score again when you go dry.
I used to scape some resin when I was just getting into chiefing (about 10 years ago) but it generally gave me a headache and I just didn't care for it. Not to mention I noticed it did little to nothing to aid in my medical uses for it. That first day is always the worse, after that just busy yourself and think about how nice this tolerance break will be for when you get that next bag. I have never tried it personally, but I knew guys that would take a dish and something to scrape with and scrape some tricks off some sugar leaves and take some keif hits. Patience is a virtue and the rewards will be worth the wait. Best of luck on your quest, And keep your head up!
Im use psychedelics everyday, DXM, LSD, DOB, DMT and Salvia
I usually just buy more........... :) 3 more months of torture and I can finally start saving my money. :)
I run my sweet leaf thru my vape at 365-375F for 3 bags about 2 feet long, made from Volcano bags. Then Pour it into a jar for hard times, where i up the temp to 392F for 3 more bag full. Pour it after that into another jar for really hard times if they come, and run it at 405-407F. Plus I run one plant that I can start picking off a bud or two after 30-35 days if I have run out. You would be surprised at the high you can still get at that young age. Just clip off a bud, put it on top of a moist paper towel and into a plastic container, place in microwave low setting for 10 seconds until dry...and your smoking...But usually i just cut up the bud before i go to work put it in my kief box with lid off and screen on top in front of my exhaust fan. It's perfect when i get home 8 hrs later.
I have fairly bad insomnia. If I run I out.... I frankly dont sleep. But right now im out, and thats why im still up :D

Take 100-150 mg of benadryl(no more than 300 unless you have a tolerance)..the more you take the faster your tolerance will climb, it does not cause dependence
Take 100-150 mg of benadryl(no more than 300 unless you have a tolerance)..the more you take the faster your tolerance will climb, it does not cause dependence

If that was ment for me; I dont do pills of anytype. no asprin, tylenol, or even painkillers. When i had a tumor removed they tried to give me loritabs, i rejected them.
many reasons i donot take them. but i wont go into those boring details :)

thanks for the suggestion though :)

Go to the concentrates section, learn how to pass butane through weed [easy] get yourself a tube, a can of butane & some leaf & trim & there's no excuse to ever be out of a smoke ever again. AND you'll sleep like a baby after a dab or two:)