What do you do with the males?


Active Member
So 3 of my 4 plants turned out to be pretty little ladies. The male I said goodbye to last night and cut him down. Call me strange but I have trouble seeing these things go after they grow, live, and die for us.

In my past 2 grows I made cannabutter and hash with the males. They really didn't have an effect worth all the trouble it takes.

I was thinking with this last one cutting him up and mixing in my soil. Maybe he can be a part of the next batch in some way.

What do you guys do with the males?


Males can have THC but it's so low that not worth it. Smoke a joint of female get high. Smoke 8 joints of male and....save your lungs. Male cannabutter is real low in thc. Be prepared to eat half the cookies! :mrgreen: Saw a thread about using butane for extracting resin oils for making hash but no likey butane pouring! :roll: Whole idea's about it being Natural, hey? Composting males would be idea. I just toss it along fence rows.