what do you do ?


Well-Known Member
When I get baked I sit down at the piano. I can sit down and before I realize it, an hour's gone by.

I can also lose several hours surfing the web. This site, news sites, facebook, and oh yeah, Tetris! I am a Tetris GOD!


Active Member
how about watching ATHF?! i just saw the craziest fucking episode where they made a creature out of used condems and seringe needles that took life and had meatwad rip limbs off of people for the condem creature lmao...


New Member
what i did today while i high got blazed with my friend and his cat and chill in there and have a conversation with his cat 4 2 hours


Active Member
I like smoking a fat blunt wit some friends and usually go paint ballin or just stay home and chill with my girl idk but lifes good


Active Member
hmm... when I get high I live my life. I smoke then do whatever im gonna do. I don't think about an activity before I smoke but quite the opposite. I smoke then find somethin to do

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
I try to make it a point everyday to go outside and smoke a bowl using a magnifying glass. Then sitting outside and look around at nature as i get toasted more and more by the second. Idk why but i like it.
Post around on RIU while smoking a bowl.
Play Counter Strike Source/Modern Warefare 2


Well-Known Member
When I have a LOT of free time, I take a pad of paper and a pencil outside somewhere and draw. That kind of time with no other things needing my time is rare, though. I've done my best pieces when I'm baked, though.

Every once in a while I spit out a really good poem, too. I can't do it straight, but some really good words come to my head when I'm high.