What do you guys think about my lady?? Alien Bubba OG


Well-Known Member
This girl is about 5 weeks into flower. Got her as a clone and vegged for about 2 days then forced flower. Never really had any problems with leaves wilting or anything, im just wondering why the buds are developing so slowly. Its in organic soil and I use plain water. Comments? Suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Sunlight! I bought a bunch of CFLs for an indoor setup but im paranoid about burning my house down :\


Well-Known Member
Well considering you only vegged them 2 days after acquiring them... I would think that is a factor....

How long did the clone spend in Veg mode after leaving the cloning chamber? I veg my clones for 3 weeks before putting them outdoors..


Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me, must be just the strain... What are the light hours there?
Next clone try some super croping works great