Active Member
ping-pong balls and a radio...
ping-pong balls and a radio...
ping-pong balls and a radio...
i have only tripped on lsd and mushrooms.. going to have to say i liked lsd more because i could really focus on the visuals where mushrooms i probably was getting great visuals but during my peak i was so fucked up i couldnt concentrate my eyes on just about anything, way more of a mindfuck imo
LSD can give some realy good hallucinations, epic is the best word to describe them, but it is virtualy nothing compared to the visual states of DMT and salvia, unless you get thumbprinted
the fuck
nobodys tried Salvia?
fuck's too legal for me
TOO LEGAL, but so insanely ODD!
ODD is an understatement.
never leave the tv on folks. that's all i'm saying.
TOO MUCH STATIC, too fast!