What do you guys think of this idea?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
^^^^It's quite funny you should post that, only yesterday I had an incident, well not quite an incident,
just a bit of a shock! Well a huge shock infact!!
i guess I'm just irresistible, unfortunately to the same sex too..lol!!
i had a cottager, about sixty years old, try his luck in a public loo...lool!
shit I couldn't believe it!!
Lets just say, my words were not friendly!!
and after I'd left, still he was hanging about, as I was driving past I saw two children about seven or eight go it to the loo,I pulled over to watch what cottager would do.
fortunately for him,he departed down the subway.

as for me, still traumatised...lol!
George micheal,eat your heart out..lol!
seriously though! I guess I should be flattered! Though my package is strictly for female attention, and my brown eye is defo one way traffic, that's for sure...lool! K.K.
I would have broken his damn nose. That kind of shit pisses me off. I have the opposite problem. I get fondled and molested all the time by women. Most of them understand that no means no. Some of them are highly aggressive and very persistent. I've even had to threaten violence a time or two. I guess they think it's fun but it's actually humiliating. :(


Active Member
Don't do this. In my oppinon for a stealth grow being invisible is key any sign of human presence is good enough for a ghetto bird to circle around a few times to see if he can find pot. Unless you have the means to be not seen and not leave trails, scraps, clothes, tents, trash just laying abound it is really risky