What Do You Guys Think?


Well-Known Member
yeah bro, another fan is a good idea. in the mean time, you might want to cut out some of the light. from what i've been observing, it's better to have a little less light and more bareable temperatures than the other way around. good luck man, i'm sure she'll recover soon.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
I added another fan but it says my temps are the same lol. I hate cheap plastic chinese crap. Anways she is looking better, I watered and tied her down lastnight. Several leaves had to be pulled but she looks fine other than that. Might have pics tomorrow for her and I's B-day. Shes turning 7 weeks old :). Anyways thaths whats up with my girl. Thanks for checking my thread and posting. Peace bros


Well-Known Member
hey KB, what's up bro. glad to hear misty is looking better. happy 7-weeks! look forward to some new pics. peace.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Someone help. My power went off this morning at nine thirty, I won't get home till six thirty. What do I do. Power company said it might not be on till noon tomorrow :( what do I do. Please help me please.


Well-Known Member
If it gets down to it, you could water a little less and mist the leaves often and have the fan blowing at it, it'll produce the shower effect, when you get out the shower and it's cold as fuck....maybe you could water them with icecubes... I don't know how to help your temps..... i think we suggested everything

Green Shark

Active Member
Good shit Tafbang great idea. That would def work with spraying the leaves and letting the chinese fans blow the shit out of the girls.


Well-Known Member
yeah, there was a case of it on here somewhere where a guy was wondering what was going on with his plants, they were turning really purple and blue and started to die, and I asked him if he is misting them too much and blowing the fan at them all day, and it was exactly what he was doing, =\ his plants were freezing to death.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Well Misty was doing great for awhile, but sadly she is being burnt again. I don't know whats cuasing it but the temps are ideal, and I switched light schedules. I water properly and havn't used nutes for about 4weeks? I've flushed twice, but don't see a change. Can anyone tell me what this is?


Well-Known Member
post some pics if you can blunt king, it will really help to figure out if it's burn or deficiency. 4 weeks with no nutes you might start having some deficiencies...

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
I'll try and get some pics up. My gf and I split and she was the one putting them on here lol. I'll try anyways though. Its wierd becuase it looks exactly like the nute burn from before. Yet I havn't fed her. Idk..... I'm just gonna try and stick this out till I can invest more $$$ into my grows. I might try and throw a mid bagseed in with her, but Idk yet. Should I?


Well-Known Member
damn, sorry about the gf situation. well i hope the plant clears up for you. if you throw another seed, definitely in a separate pot (you don't want the roots getting tangled) but also be prepared for less veg time once you start flowering misty (12 on / 12 off) unless you have a separate box and separate timers and stuff. i would focus on getting misty back, just my 2c. good luck bro.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Sorry I havnt posted pics, but here are some from last week when misty was burnt. and here are some of Two days ago, with Midsy D. my bagseed (hopefully) girl.misty11.jpgMidsy D. 2.jpgmisty9.jpgMidsy D..jpg

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
she is looking better now, i would get that tin foil out of there and let that soil breath. hope the new ones a girl for ya. check your ph, in soil you want around 6.6 and use some good nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, she is looking better, and good luck with the new seed! i agree with cd, maybe getting rid of the tin foil would help.