What Do You Guys Think?!?!?


Active Member
i am 4 weeks into flowering my skywalker plant. i am currently growing with cfls because this is my first grow and i decided to go the cheap way because i wanted to get a grow out of my system and i didnt want to invest alot of money on some good lights and me mess it up. but now that i am around a month or 2 away from being done with this harvest i will move on to a hps/mh grow =D, now back on track i am growing around 300 actual watts which is equvalant to over 1000 watts incandescent. i know what the bulbs are equivalent to doesnt really matter but i just wanted to make sure you guys didnt think i had 300 equivalent watts. while my plant was in the veg cycle i decided to lst. i veged her for around a month or so and then put her into flower here are some pics from day one when i got her as a clone up until now.

fffffff.jpgffffffff.jpgffff.jpgPrincess Leia.jpgdownsized_0517011319.jpgdownsized_0526011410.jpgdownsized_0526011655.jpg2 months.jpgflowerin3.jpgsecuredownload.jpgflowerin1.jpgflowerin2.jpg


Active Member
*congrats on the first grow, i remember my first time... :) hope you get a good harv,

thanks man very much appreciated

thanks man now that i look back at it i should have LST my plan a couple of weeks sooner so it could have been shorter, but i guess better late then never


Well-Known Member
nah man its a good go for your first time just remember it second time around its all about the learning lol:bigjoint:


Active Member
and could anyone give me a rough estimate of what i should yield i know its hard to guess but just a rough estimate, i would be very satisfied with 1.5ozs =D wish me luck


Active Member
damn brother good job for a first time! good job on the lst too.not sure on yield its hard to tell because cfl's produce real airy buds usually.You will see how big of a difference once you start the mh/hps grow! :)


Well-Known Member
as above because youve done a cfl grow you will be able to see the huge difference a hps light makes, what size hps light you going to use? 600 are the dogs balls even compared to a 400, good luck, for yield i will guess 1oz, thats just a guess though.


Active Member
damn brother good job for a first time! good job on the lst too.not sure on yield its hard to tell because cfl's produce real airy buds usually.You will see how big of a difference once you start the mh/hps grow! :)
yeah i am sure i am going to notice a huge difference in my next grow, i can already imagine it now=D i dont think my nugs are going to be airy at all as of right now they look and feel really dense idk if they are going to get airy later in the grow but we will see what happens


Active Member
as above because youve done a cfl grow you will be able to see the huge difference a hps light makes, what size hps light you going to use? 600 are the dogs balls even compared to a 400, good luck, for yield i will guess 1oz, thats just a guess though.
yeah i am thinking about getting a 400 because i think a 600 would be to hard to control the temp, i am growing in a small 2x2x5 grow tent. my next grow i am thinking of doing 12/12 from seed.


Active Member
Nice work my man! you said you should have started LST sooner, How soon?
i would have started to lst when my plant was around 6 inches instead of waiting till my plant was 1.5ft. i think it would have been better because my plant has a long stem until it reaches its first set of branches, if i would have started sooner i would have kept my plant shorter. it didnt really a huge difference because my plant isnt out growing my tent at all but atleast i know now for my next grow


Active Member
yeah i am sure i am going to notice a huge difference in my next grow, i can already imagine it now=D i dont think my nugs are going to be airy at all as of right now they look and feel really dense idk if they are going to get airy later in the grow but we will see what happens
they will be airy compared to hps you will see :)


Active Member
i got ruffly around another 5 weeks left, hopefully it doubles in size of nugs by the time it comes to murder my baby girl


Active Member
it sucks this morning i walked into my tent and saw that one of my corner bulbs fell and broke... fuck it only a couple bucks to get another one the good thing of growing with cfls hahahahah