I love your thinking process: you called me an asshole, and just called these guys mean, but you don't judge us? Everyone who posts on a public forum is judged, get used to it...
I didn't call you an asshole. I believe I said "I think you like to be an asshole"? No? But you were implying that I'm the village idiot.
If you don't know by now, I like you Tyler and I think your an ok dude. I normally like reading your posts.
And I did call them mean because of what they said about Me. Like how I should not have kids and I should be sterilized. That's not cool.
I don't mind being judged but there are ways of going about things.
Reality is very interesting, you should try it one of these days...
I live in reality every day, or at least My reality. And I'm sick of it, I need some kind of escape. Life is so boring, or at least My life is so boring.
You are exactly right, you are not a bad person because you have a chemical balance, that is out of your control. What is in your control is to train yourself how to think critically, learn to use logic and avoid logical fallacies. This may open up an entirely new, exciting world to you. If you don't prefer it, you can always go back to your erroneous ways...
I'm never going to be the best critical thinker because I have ADD but that doesn't stop Me from being a regular thinker. I do some critical thinking, but I'm not sure how to be the "best" critical thinker. I'm just going to be Myself and hopefully I will improve with time.
There is only objective truth, there is no subjective truth, no my truth and your truth. Either something is objectively true or it is not...
Right, but some of you guys don't believe My objective truth and make Me out like I'm a liar. My objective truth is not everyone's objective truth even though it did happen, for example the aliens that I saw.
You often attempt to push your beliefs onto others: you have posted your YT video series many times on this forum, and you a constantly pointing others to links to your threads so that they may be subjected to your mentally ill ramblings. True, no one has to read them, but it doesn't stop you from incessantly pushing them...
I do want to be known and in order to be known I sometimes have to show Myself to others.
No worries..this is forum and you can state your opinion here..happy to know you see someone and you have meds that's all..but how can you be Jesus when my brother says he is? Answer me that?
BTW not trying to be mean
I'm not Jesus. My name is not Jesus and I cannot perform any miracles like Jesus allegedly did. I do believe that I am Christ, the Son of God, though.
Maybe your brother is Jesus, but I'm not. I'm Christ. Is there a difference? I believe there is a difference. Jesus was the alleged first coming, I am the "Second" Coming. But I'm not sure what coming I am but I still believe that I am Christ. I could just be a lunatic that believes I'm Christ but than again, I could be Christ.
Its a really tough question. What makes Me Christ and not your brother? I honestly don't know. I cant say that someone is Christ or not because that's not My place. I just personally believe that I am Christ because of the reasons that I have stated on RIU. In conclusion, I have fulfilled prophecies, I have prophecies for the future and I have the Name above all names. But its all subjective apparently because I don't have many, if any, people that believe Me.
I didn't think you were being mean, by the way. Questions are always welcome in My opinion.
Way to avoid the whole subjective/objective point that I made.

You really have a hard time with conversing with others, you seem to repeatedly infer things that have not been said or implied and respond to those imaginary points. You should try to stay on point once in awhile then people won't be so critical.
I have a hard time staying on point because I go on tangents all the time.
Doesn't quite sound like bipolar.IMO

.maybe you need a better shrink..?
Its not My shrink that has diagnosed Me with the bipolar, it was the doctors in the mental hospitals. My shrink is fine, I like her a lot.
I just noticed you are capitalizing any reference to yourself..hmmm..also why do you reference Jesus of 2000 years ago as Him..?
I capitalize the M in Me because I believe I am Christ. I also capitalize the H in Him when referring to the 2,000 year old Jesus because I believe He was Christ too. Though He died a long time ago. I believe I capitalize the H in Him when talking about Jesus out of respect.
No, I'm not 2,000 years old but I know what you mean. I'm the new Christ, the one that gets persecuted a lot by skeptics.
Shouldn't you know all the answers to everything?
No I don't know all the answers. I just know what I know. If I had all the answers than people probably still wouldn't be listening to Me.
I do know some wonderful things that could really help the people of the world but no one cares. Maybe some people care but what can they do about it either?
In the late 1950s, three men who identified as the Son of God were forced to live together in a mental hospital. What happened?
I got a good laugh when reading that. Three Christ's in one mental hospital.
In person I'm not that imposing. I don't want to tell people that I'm Christ. Actually that's one of the last things I want to tell someone in person but online is different because I don't know who I'm talking to. I meet seem a little imposing on the internet, and that's because I have an agenda on here.