What do you know about aliens?

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We don't know exactly what the universe is expanding into but I think you are more right than wrong.

Thanks Mindphuk.

I try and be more right than wrong all the time. The key words there is that "I try". ;-)

And this stupid stuff about "BTW that sounds similar to that nutjob".... I've only read two sentences in that guy's sad attempt at attention, some nutty ass posts about him seeing an alien on the roof or some dumb crap.

I try and just talk about crazy things on RIU because My life is boring and I need an escape from the mundane, and talking about crazy things helps Me vent.

But I'll take that as a complement because I purposely say crazy things. But I'm not a "nutjob", I'm just a little eccentric.

EDIT- Only I can call Myself a nutjob. Thank you very much!

Guy, I think youre right.There are no reply quotes between Neveah and Esoteric from what Ive seen.Neveah reply quotes almost everything he responds to...The Not so Neveah suckpuppetry seems to be afoot,,,,but I could be wrong eh George?

Thanks for calling Me George again!

But I'm not "thenotsoesoteric" if that's what you mean. But I don't know exactly what you mean. What does suckpuppetry mean?

I try and respond to everything that I can share My 2 cents on. But not everything, but you guys see what I post.

Nevaeh only has about 5 different post though. He tends to repeat himself.

Well, lets see. This thread is about aliens. And I have only seen one alien in My life, and I've only seen UFOs once in My life too. So I don't have the longest story about My alien encounters besides what happened. I'm trying to keep the thread on topic about aliens so I interject about My alien encounters every so often.

I'm trying to get to the bottom of what I saw. I'm looking for rational explanations of what I literally saw. I'm looking for answers here too.

But I'm still going to be repeating Myself when it comes to the subject about aliens because I have a very limited experience with the aliens. But I do like to tell My true story, even if its relatively short.

EDIT- My 5 posts are the best 5 posts that a human could ever make, so there. HAHA!

As far as we can tell, the universe is going to expand exponentially. Not only is the universe expanding, but the speed in which it expands has continued to increase since the time the measurement was possible.

I don't have a clue, but I wonder if some of the galaxies are traveling faster than the speed of light relative to each other if they are on the opposite side of the universe. I wonder what kind of implications (about time travel) there are for galaxies traveling faster than the speed of light on opposite ends of the universe? And they are going to keep traveling faster, every day of the year, I guess. Right?

As far as time travel goes, what would that mean if galaxies were traveling faster than the speed of light relative to each other?

I think the whole known universe is really just a little jewel on a cat's collar. I saw it in a documentary.

Its funny because I remember the "little jewel on a cats collar" from the movie "Men In Black" or M.I.B. That was no documentary, but it was a decent movie about "aliens".

Its funny because I remember the "little jewel on a cats collar" from the movie "Men In Black" or M.I.B. That was no documentary, but it was a decent movie about "aliens".


No i'm pretty sure it was a documentary. It's the only reasonable explanation.
I think the whole known universe is really just a little jewel on a cat's collar. I saw it in a documentary.

That is so much more cool of an idea than what most people can come up with on this forum.

Most people think a man in the sky made it, or that it was always here...lol. How fuckin unoriginal.
That is so much more cool of an idea than what most people can come up with on this forum.

Most people think a man in the sky made it, or that it was always here...lol. How fuckin unoriginal.

Honestly, that's what blows my mind the most...

The universe, it's origins, the whole explanation of life itself is so much more interesting than the bullshit stories ancient man came up with, yet people don't see it, they don't believe it..

The story through the scientific looking glass is.. beautiful. It's awe inspiring..

The fact that you came from a star is unimaginably more interesting compared to religion... I just wish more people could see it..
Thanks Mindphuk.

I try and be more right than wrong all the time. The key words there is that "I try". ;-)

I try and just talk about crazy things on RIU because My life is boring and I need an escape from the mundane, and talking about crazy things helps Me vent.

But I'll take that as a complement because I purposely say crazy things. But I'm not a "nutjob", I'm just a little eccentric.

EDIT- Only I can call Myself a nutjob. Thank you very much!

Thanks for calling Me George again!

But I'm not "thenotsoesoteric" if that's what you mean. But I don't know exactly what you mean. What does suckpuppetry mean?

I try and respond to everything that I can share My 2 cents on. But not everything, but you guys see what I post.

Well, lets see. This thread is about aliens. And I have only seen one alien in My life, and I've only seen UFOs once in My life too. So I don't have the longest story about My alien encounters besides what happened. I'm trying to keep the thread on topic about aliens so I interject about My alien encounters every so often.

I'm trying to get to the bottom of what I saw. I'm looking for rational explanations of what I literally saw. I'm looking for answers here too.

But I'm still going to be repeating Myself when it comes to the subject about aliens because I have a very limited experience with the aliens. But I do like to tell My true story, even if its relatively short.

EDIT- My 5 posts are the best 5 posts that a human could ever make, so there. HAHA!

I don't have a clue, but I wonder if some of the galaxies are traveling faster than the speed of light relative to each other if they are on the opposite side of the universe. I wonder what kind of implications (about time travel) there are for galaxies traveling faster than the speed of light on opposite ends of the universe? And they are going to keep traveling faster, every day of the year, I guess. Right?

As far as time travel goes, what would that mean if galaxies were traveling faster than the speed of light relative to each other?

Its funny because I remember the "little jewel on a cats collar" from the movie "Men In Black" or M.I.B. That was no documentary, but it was a decent movie about "aliens".


Lol,I was feeling tipsy when I wrote that,U may want to disregard what I wrote in the heat of the moment.I know your an original and not a sockpuppet maker.
Lol,I was feeling tipsy when I wrote that,U may want to disregard what I wrote in the heat of the moment.I know your an original and not a sockpuppet maker.

That is why they call alcohol "stupid juice".

If you had the desire to learn whether I was the alter ego of a rabble-rouser, then all you had to do was click on my avatar and check out my profile and you would see no little kid remarks or other juvenile antics in some desperate ploy for attention. The reason you see no post between nevaeh and myself, is because I can smell Bullshit from a mile away and I can tell when people are just making shit up to be cool. I don't respond to those sort of minds.

​It is sad that people jump to such paranoid conclusions.
Yes Esoteric, alcohol makes people do and say things they otherwise wouldnt,obviously,I should probably cut down on my drinking,I get a bit to impulsive for my own good,,,,that is why I stated to disregard that post in particular.
I'm a recovered alcoholic so I've been down that road. Without weed I'd still be downing a 6 pack a night. Sorry I could have been less intrusive. I just hate how the elite use alcohol to keep us mind numb so they can pluck our bones clean. My little vendetta. Cheers.
That is so much more cool of an idea than what most people can come up with on this forum.

Most people think a man in the sky made it, or that it was always here...lol. How fuckin unoriginal.

I think I remember you saying quite passionately that "What if the universe always existed?" back in the day some time. Im pretty sure it was you lol.
If you drink 6 beers every day you probably have a problem. Not as severe as someone drinking a 5th or a case, but still a problem.
I think I remember you saying quite passionately that "What if the universe always existed?" back in the day some time. Im pretty sure it was you lol.

As well as many, many other questions i ponder throughout the days... Passionately said; i do not give myself answers to questions that i really don't know, i would rather not lie to myself and believe my lie to be true. For all i know the universe may have just always existed, or maybe not. This may be a dream, or simulation, or maybe one of the infinite ideas that humankind can come up with about the universe.

Some ideas are more cool than others, but it is all based on personal opinion on which idea is more cool than the other.
Six beers a day isn't an alcoholic......

Yes, six beers is an alcoholic. Like it is a contest, I said at least a 6 pack, you know to fight off the shakes. All I know is when I quite drinking I had to detox just like a heroin addict, sweats, sick to the stomach, a pain I cannot describe throughout the whole body. Alcohol is the one of only drugs that can kill you just be quitting cold turkey. Alcohol was also used to keep the masses to stupid to ever notice that less than 1% of the people OWNS everything. So yeah alcohol is awesome!!!!! But not for the reason the common masses think. Read Fredrick Douglas's "A narrative of a slave", and other narratives from slaves in America and tell me how cool Alcohol is. LIke I said I used to be a young irish kid who thought drinking was some magically thing, then I got sober.

If a person smokes crack once a day they're a cracked head. If you drink to get drunk you are an alcoholic. That is the stupid shit I hate about alcohol, nobody wants to admit it is a super harsh drug, just because everyone does it does not make it OK. People are quick to call people dope addicts because they do drugs, well if you drink alcohol you are an alcoholic.
If you had the desire to learn whether I was the alter ego of a rabble-rouser, then all you had to do was click on my avatar and check out my profile and you would see no little kid remarks or other juvenile antics in some desperate ploy for attention. The reason you see no post between nevaeh and myself, is because I can smell Bullshit from a mile away and I can tell when people are just making shit up to be cool. I don't respond to those sort of minds.

I'm not a little kid first of all. I'm going to be 28 years old this month. But I might be a big kid stuck in a mans body, but that can only be opinion.

And I'm not making anything up to look "cool". I'm talking about an actual event that happened to Me, an experience that took place in real life.

The only one I would be bullshitting would be Myself because if I'm lying than I'm only lying to Myself. I have a very small "audience" and whats the point of lying? What do I have to gain? I just want to posit My encounter.

Your entitled to believe whatever you want but I'm going to believe in My truth.

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