What do you know about aliens?

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And if you smoke pot everyday you must be addicted to it right?

Then mentality is pretty bleak in your understanding of drug usage, and the difference in everyone's anatomy.

Some people it takes one glass of wine to get drunk, some people it takes a whole bottle. A lot of people can drink six beers throughout the day and stay completely sober. Some people can drink six beers and have a slight buzz.

Why else would anyone do a drug but to feel the effects of it, including cannabis, alcohol, and all other mind altering substances? Just because you do a drug to feel the effects does not mean you are an alcoholic.

In my opinion someone "has a problem" when their body becomes addicted to the substance and needs it to function correctly, or the use begins to effect different aspects of their lives in a negative way.

I believe that you believe you saw something:smile:

Thanks Schulaar.

That's all I'm asking.

I'm not expecting you guys to believe anything, but I would like for you to believe that I'm telling the truth to the best of My abilities.

And I did see "something". I honestly don't know what I saw. The only two options I could think of is either a very very small person or an alien. And I'm not so sure what person would have that kind of technology that I saw. I only assume I saw an alien because I don't have any evidence of what I saw besides what I saw.

EDIT- I just don't want to be thought of as a liar. Maybe I'm a little crazy but I'm a crazy person telling the truth. So now the only two options now are, either I was delusional or I'm telling the truth to the best of My abilities.

And if you smoke pot everyday you must be addicted to it right?

Then mentality is pretty bleak in your understanding of drug usage, and the difference in everyone's anatomy.

Some people it takes one glass of wine to get drunk, some people it takes a whole bottle. A lot of people can drink six beers throughout the day and stay completely sober. Some people can drink six beers and have a slight buzz.

Why else would anyone do a drug but to feel the effects of it, including cannabis, alcohol, and all other mind altering substances? Just because you do a drug to feel the effects does not mean you are an alcoholic.

In my opinion someone "has a problem" when their body becomes addicted to the substance and needs it to function correctly, or the use begins to effect different aspects of their lives in a negative way.


Fuck yes I'm a pot head, not ashamed. I was ashamed to be a drunk. This is the double standard that everyone has in regards to alcohol.

Keep supporting corporations it is not hurting me at all, might as well buy some cigarettes too.

PS. Big difference in a glass of wine with dinner(social drinking) and getting drunk.
Fuck yes I'm a pot head, not ashamed. I was ashamed to be a drunk. This is the double standard that everyone has in regards to alcohol.

Keep supporting corporations it is not hurting me at all, might as well buy some cigarettes too.

PS. Big difference in a glass of wine with dinner(social drinking) and getting drunk.

That's a ridiculous double standard. You're cool with somebody getting fucked up and making stupid decisions while high; yet making a stupid decision while drunk is "alcoholism". Your premise isn't reasonable unless you apply the same standard to weed.

Also, I resent being lumped in with "everyone"; I don't maintain this double standard.
That's a ridiculous double standard. You're cool with somebody getting fucked up and making stupid decisions while high; yet making a stupid decision while drunk is "alcoholism". Your premise isn't reasonable unless you apply the same standard to weed.

Also, I resent being lumped in with "everyone"; I don't maintain this double standard.

I did apply it to weed. I clearly said I am a pot head/stoner etc.... just the same as I said if you consume alcohol your are an alcoholic/boozer/drunk/lush etc...... It is no worse a name than pot head unless you're ashamed to be considered a drunkie.
The double standard is with people that are propagated to believe they are not drug addicts if the consume alcohol everyday. It is always the same rebuttal you give that I hear.
I commonly hear people who are drinkers of alcohol trying to talk shit about people that smoke weed or people that shoot heroin but when I call them out for be a drug addict as well, it's alway some lame retort.
"Well it's legal" "alcohol isn't a drug" or whackiest of all, "it's in the bible".

I'm not saying everyone that drinks alcohol is stupid or incompetent, I'm saying alcohol is a hard drug and should be treated as such. Instead weed is outlawed.

The stupid stuff people do when High is much less detrimental to society than the shit idiots do when drunk. Google alcohol related deaths vs marijuana related deaths. Google how slave owners of the southern US used alcohol to keep slave to disoriented in an effort to keep slaves from ever changing their situation. The list goes on how alcohol is used against the common masses.

People want to keep bashing me, when I'm trying to share some wisdom. I've been there and done that. Like they say,"We learn from our mistakes." Moderation is key with any intoxicant.
All I know is you'll have a hard time in life with alcohol around. Wrecking cars, not being able to respond in time of an emergencies, awesome. I'll get my kicks other ways thanks. But to each his own

But, I'm the one who has got it wrong. I tell you guys what, got out to the bar or out with your friends when their out drinking, but don't drink yourself. And tell me what kind of intelligent conversations you hear. Tell me what factions of government, economics, or social endeavors your drunk friends are conversing over.

I'll tell you what their talking about, Stupid shit, and they keep repeating themselves 5 inches from your faces. It is like being around a group of retarded adults rambling incoherently.

That is why alcohol is legal and weed is illegal. That is why I no longer think it is "cool" to drink alcohol and can no longer condone it's use. Even though I love the high of alcohol, I'll be damn if I'll just sit back and get drunk like a good little slave. If you want to then bottoms up.

This is only my opinion, so why get your panties all in a bunch. Not like I'm supreme ruler of the world, my word is not law. People are going do what they are going to do, some just do it smarter that's all.

That must mean every fact is indeed true. I believe it was once fact in the US and Europe and Russia, that white men were superior to all other races. They were wrong there.
It was once fact that humans could not communicate over large distances without wires. Well Tesla's "what ifs" proved that wrong.
It was once fact that royalty descended from the heavens to rule over the common man.
It was once fact that man would never reach the moon.
It was once fact that no bomb on earth could kill as many as a 100,000 people in a split second.
It was once fact that if you got an infection you either got your limb sawn off or you died.
It was once................ and the list continues. What is fact today maybe fiction tomorrow.

How is your stubbornness any different from what you would call an idealist and their stubbornness. Have you ever heard of a guy name Socrates? The Socrates method of questioning everything. People of Socrates time hated someone questioning what they believe in so much so they force him to suicide, and the moment he is dead they regretted killing such an brilliant mind.
Equivocation fTL!

Facts are not subjective opinions or beliefs about things, known or unknown. Just because someone somewhere claims something is a fact does not make it one. Something that is a fact now does not mean it is fiction later if circumstances change. Facts can be temporally dependent. Historical facts are not fictional.
Perhaps it is truly that easy. I sat through philosophy and logic courses too. And I say the same thing then as now.

If enough people believe something as "fact" then in that cultural context it becomes a "fact" relative to those conditions. It happened countless times throughout history. And yes perhaps those highly disputed "facts" were subjective and conditional but to those ostracized by the majority on account of those culturally relevant pseudo-facts, I'm quite sure it did not offer them condolences to know it was not really a fact.
So according to that logic, if culture A believes the sky is red and culture B believes it's blue, both cultures are right in the context of their own society

Is that what you are saying?
hypothetically it could be the same as fags and cigarettes. but people are too stupid to understand or communicate properly.
Perhaps it is truly that easy. I sat through philosophy and logic courses too. And I say the same thing then as now.

If enough people believe something as "fact" then in that cultural context it becomes a "fact" relative to those conditions. It happened countless times throughout history. And yes perhaps those highly disputed "facts" were subjective and conditional but to those ostracized by the majority on account of those culturally relevant pseudo-facts, I'm quite sure it did not offer them condolences to know it was not really a fact.
You must have fallen asleep during the sections on epistemology.
Ok, this sounds crazy but I saw one UFO yesterday. I think it was an airplane but it didn't look like how an airplane lights up at night. It was flying straight like an airplane though.

It was a bright light that was flying straight (at a constant speed) like an airplane but the lights were very bright. The lights on this "UFO" were not bluish like the 8 UFOs I saw on July 2 of 2012. The lights on this UFO were like yellowish and maybe a little orange. The funny thing about this UFO that I saw was that it looked liked it was dropping things. It looked like little lights were "dripping" down off of it. And after I saw the things falling from this UFO, I saw the lights go out on it. My mother saw the same thing I did too because she was returning home from work and shopping. My mother was wondering what was "dropping" from that UFO too.

Now, I can almost promise you that I saw a very funny airplane that had strange lights attached to it, but I wonder what was falling from the craft and also, why did the lights go out on it?

It must have been an airplane because it was flying like an airplane but it was very peculiar to watch. Like I said, I want to know what was falling (or looked like falling) from it and also why did the lights go out?

It must have been an airplane. I don't think it was alien space craft like when I saw those 8 UFOs in July of 2012. But why didn't it look like a regular airplane that flies at night? And what was dripping from it and why did the lights go out?

I still think it was an airplane but I have never seen an airplane do that so that's why I labeled it as a UFO. It was an unidentified flying object, even though it probably was just a strange airplane.

And also, I saw a funny "light" 2 nights ago, it looked very similar to the UFO I saw last night but I didn't see anything falling from it and also I did see the lights go out on that one. They both must have been airplanes with funny lights. They were flying straight like a plane does.

What do you guys think?

Ok, this sounds crazy but I saw one UFO yesterday. I think it was an airplane but it didn't look like how an airplane lights up at night. It was flying straight like an airplane though.

It was a bright light that was flying straight (at a constant speed) like an airplane but the lights were very bright. The lights on this "UFO" were not bluish like the 8 UFOs I saw on July 2 of 2012. The lights on this UFO were like yellowish and maybe a little orange. The funny thing about this UFO that I saw was that it looked liked it was dropping things. It looked like little lights were "dripping" down off of it. And after I saw the things falling from this UFO, I saw the lights go out on it. My mother saw the same thing I did too because she was returning home from work and shopping. My mother was wondering what was "dropping" from that UFO too.

Now, I can almost promise you that I saw a very funny airplane that had strange lights attached to it, but I wonder what was falling from the craft and also, why did the lights go out on it?

It must have been an airplane because it was flying like an airplane but it was very peculiar to watch. Like I said, I want to know what was falling (or looked like falling) from it and also why did the lights go out?

It must have been an airplane. I don't think it was alien space craft like when I saw those 8 UFOs in July of 2012. But why didn't it look like a regular airplane that flies at night? And what was dripping from it and why did the lights go out?

I still think it was an airplane but I have never seen an airplane do that so that's why I labeled it as a UFO. It was an unidentified flying object, even though it probably was just a strange airplane.

And also, I saw a funny "light" 2 nights ago, it looked very similar to the UFO I saw last night but I didn't see anything falling from it and also I did see the lights go out on that one. They both must have been airplanes with funny lights. They were flying straight like a plane does.

What do you guys think?


We think that you are boring. You really took that time to post that you saw two airplanes? I know your life is boring, but so boring that you post this drivel? I saw a bus, a helicopter, and a bunch of cars this week. Really interesting, right? How are the meds and therapy going?
We think that you are boring. You really took that time to post that you saw two airplanes? I know your life is boring, but so boring that you post this drivel? I saw a bus, a helicopter, and a bunch of cars this week. Really interesting, right? How are the meds and therapy going?

Your not being nice now.

If you even read that post I made you would see that it was a UFO that I saw. It might have been an airplane but I have never seen an airplane with that kind of light and also something looked like it was falling out, like drips of light. Also the light went out that I saw. I thought it was weird so I figured I would post about it.

This thread is about aliens and not alcohol so I'm just trying to get back on topic.

You don't need to be mean. Didn't your mother tell you that "you should treat others as you would like to be treated"?

EDIT- But you're probably right, it probably was an airplane but I have never seen an airplane look like that!

EDIT- My meds and therapy are going fine, but I'm thinking on checking Myself into the mental hospital this month. I'm so bored with life and I like hanging out with the crazies.

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