What do you like to do high?


I sit out by the river and smoke...
I draw a lot when I'm high, the feel of the pencil and me spitting my ideas through my hands trips me out every single time to no end hahah.

that and I like to talk about physics, philosophy and other shit like that with my friends.

p.s. Videogames!!!!!

nerd stoners unite!
when i was 17 i used to fight alot, but that was because I had issues involving meth/heroin and what not..

Now i just like to smoke my L's at the house or the beach,

wrightsville beach is a great stoner place to watch boats go by and pass a fattie..

and when im really baked i space out due to the fact that im Deaf and just go to wonderland..i await the day where i get my hearing aids back from the shop to make them less metallicy..

plus im gettin me some weezer glasses(see beverly hills or we are all on drugs)

so thats bound to be trippy when i barrow the coustic and play island in the sun.
the queen of RIU could never be alone, im not sure if i believe that

Originally Posted by brendon420
have sex, me too:???:by myself:wink:and play the drums

wait, now it looks like i said that...oh well i was bound to be found out sooner or later
lol, I enjoy talking on the phone stoned too....Only because it like I cant do it at all, everytime I turn my head or even let my mind think of something else for a second I forget everything I was talking about on the phone lmao
Hey did you ever move out to cali with your new job ???

Not yet, I lucked out and found about 8 jobs all with starting pay over 20/hr which is just shy of what I was making here as a pilot... I'll know something on or around the end of the month, regardless... after summer passes I'm headed out there!
yea i . go on random adventures, watch comedy , think about life , smoke until i drop and just chill l with friends. smoking by aa campfire is really chill when ur high. well at least when ur on opium. peace
Chilling with mates, listening to some tunes and watching factual tv shows all passes the time, oh yeh and eating alot. :joint:
I'll study about weed and grow techniques and such, so I'm on RIU quite a bit XP I ride my bike alot, which is nice to do when high because i dont feel lazy. Look for good music, write fanciful though, spend down time with friends, or even.... take a weed nap.
factual eh?? like planet earth?

Man... watching planet earth, baked, is fucking awesome!! High recommended.