What do you mix your WEED with?

Joints definetly burn better with a little tobacco. Its because the tabacco company has included some wonderful additives to aid this process. Unfortunately, many of said additives are carcinogens and will in likely hood kill you...... He says as he tokes from his 'English' style spliff. Gives you English style teeth too. :mrgreen:

All death is certain ,
Fook it,
burn 1 up.
or we dont like mixing weed and tobacco. If you know what you are doing or have a simple guide their is no risk making cannabutter. you should of brought up how we even go so far as to purify large quanities into ultra potent hash if you wanted to help your argument.

The statement wasn't meant to make an argument. It was just an observation. Go smoke a fatty and get down off your high horse.
I cant handle tobacco and weed through a water bong, to big of a hit in the lungs. But I'm more of a joint man, and every joint I smoke has to have tobacco in it. my ratio is about 70% weed and 30% tobacco in a zigzag ultra thin paper. A lot of people around here find it unusual that I have tobacco in my joints. Its not simply just to ration out my weed, I find it makes a much smoother smoke, easier to handle. Apparently that's supposed to be the craze over Amsterdam way. I believe just recently they brought out a ban in Amsterdam coffee shops prohibiting tobacco smoke inside which I think is ridiculous, but they got a reason, tobacco kills. So there's a lot of these new joint additives that are supposed to replace tobacco in your joints, Made of naturals herbs and spices lol, never tried any of that though. But yea, If your a smoker and a toker, Try sprinkling a little tobacco out of the end of your cigarette onto some weed, and roll one up, See how she is :bigjoint:Happy toking :eyesmoke:
I bet most of you aren't paying $20-25 a gram. I know some are, but still...

damn, you could make alot of money growing and selling where you live. or i guess you could just smoke it.

yah, on the east coast where i am, good bud easily fetches upwards of $20 / gram... not to say i'd ever sell any of my grows, but if i were, i was making, err, could have been making $560 / oz selling $20 grams all day at work.. if i had a job that is, or sold my weed.. lol..

but as far as the op, i think that you'll find that most american's smoke their weed straight with no cut or filler, except maybe once in awhile some hash or pollen thrown in for good measures..
i have noticed that some of our northern brothers are into mixing tobacco and weed together, much like what is common in the eu.. when i went to amsterdam, a lot of people looked at me oddly as i rolled my j's straight, much like i looked at them oddly when they bummed a cig off of me to simply go back to their table and break it apart and mix it in with their weed before rolling it..
I occasionally smoke blunts and pure joints- I know the flavor of my favorite strains well- I don't use that much tobacco and it doesn't make much difference. Hand rolling tobacco by the way. American Spirit. I'm not stupid enough to use straight cigarette tobacco.
I bet most of you aren't paying $20-25 a gram. I know some are, but still...

20 at the most but I hardly ever get grams Usually 2 g's for 30.But I hardly do that too . Of like real good kind.... GDP, kush, different diesels and og's... Whatever but legit named strains...
The statement wasn't meant to make an argument. It was just an observation. Go smoke a fatty and get down off your high horse.
high horse? you are the one who said we are all overconsumers and then said cannabutter making is risky. i pointed out that the main reason we do not mix weed and tobacco is we dont like it and that making cannabutter is quite simple so isnt some great careless risk. then i added a point that DID support your overconsumerism comment/observation. No high horses here, i talk straight and say what i think. sorry if i hurt your feelings, i can be a bit blunt so to speak. :hug:, feel better now?:peace:
I cant handle tobacco and weed through a water bong, to big of a hit in the lungs. But I'm more of a joint man, and every joint I smoke has to have tobacco in it. my ratio is about 70% weed and 30% tobacco in a zigzag ultra thin paper. A lot of people around here find it unusual that I have tobacco in my joints. Its not simply just to ration out my weed, I find it makes a much smoother smoke, easier to handle. Apparently that's supposed to be the craze over Amsterdam way. I believe just recently they brought out a ban in Amsterdam coffee shops prohibiting tobacco smoke inside which I think is ridiculous, but they got a reason, tobacco kills. So there's a lot of these new joint additives that are supposed to replace tobacco in your joints, Made of naturals herbs and spices lol, never tried any of that though. But yea, If your a smoker and a toker, Try sprinkling a little tobacco out of the end of your cigarette onto some weed, and roll one up, See how she is :bigjoint:Happy toking :eyesmoke:

I totally agree, I roll probably around 25% weed to 75% tobacco, and then I smoke it as if it were a ciggerette. none that Puff puff puff hold it in hold it..... just smoke it nice and easy like I would a ciggerette:eyesmoke:
I totally agree, I roll probably around 25% weed to 75% tobacco, and then I smoke it as if it were a ciggerette. none that Puff puff puff hold it in hold it..... just smoke it nice and easy like I would a ciggerette:eyesmoke:

what does the tobacco do for the odor of the weed?? do you notice any sort of difference when you mix them as compared to just a straight weed joint in the odor compartment??
i would maybe think of mixing the two for stealth reasons in certain situations if i heard that they don't smell as much like a weed joint with the tobacco mixed in...
I still think tobacco out of store bought cigarettes is nasty. We might roll with tobacco but I have standards. Even if I felt like a cigarette now I couldn't finish a whole Marlboro or something by myself or ever put it in a spliff
what does the tobacco do for the odor of the weed?? do you notice any sort of difference when you mix them as compared to just a straight weed joint in the odor compartment??
i would maybe think of mixing the two for stealth reasons in certain situations if i heard that they don't smell as much like a weed joint with the tobacco mixed in...

Of course a neat joint smells stronger than a errrrrr 'composite' joint but at the end of the day both will get you arrested if smelt by the babylon.
Of course a neat joint smells stronger than a errrrrr 'composite' joint but at the end of the day both will get you arrested if smelt by the babylon.

well that's what i was wondering, lol. i don't see much point in this than, lol...

and yah, whomever was talking about tobacco being illegal in coffee shops in the damn is right.. i had forgotten all about this, but they did have bowls put around in most coffee shops i was in that had some sort of legal herbal blends that people were using to mix with joints.. don't know what all was in it as i don't mix my joints.. but i did see plenty of people using it for sure..
I think ppl use tobacco to moderate the use of their weed as it aint cheap ,
mauling drugs is bad for you,
i thought only LL cool J smoke blunts,
look what happened to Scarface!
well that's what i was wondering, lol. i don't see much point in this than, lol...

and yah, whomever was talking about tobacco being illegal in coffee shops in the damn is right.. i had forgotten all about this, but they did have bowls put around in most coffee shops i was in that had some sort of legal herbal blends that people were using to mix with joints.. don't know what all was in it as i don't mix my joints.. but i did see plenty of people using it for sure..

If thats true about not mixing tabacco in the dam coffess shops thats BOLLOCKS! ARRGGGH .. Next time I go I'll smoke mostly in my cheapo hotel room.
Because Cannabis is so expensive in the UK the usual experience is - mix with at least half tabacco, take a toke, hold for 7 minutes, exhale. repeat.
why does it cost so much in the uk? i would think since they have looser cannabis laws than america(or is that just myth?) that it would be cheaper.
Half and half- are you nuts?? How much weed much weed do you put in, if you're matching the quantity with tobacco 0_o Lol at 7 seven minutes. Seven seconds more like for me but I inhale and exhale quickly. And tend to finish before most people finish a cigarette. I enjoy it, don't get me wrong. I just have 'Hoover lungs' apparently.

Looser cannabis laws? I've never been caught so I don't know but I hear you get a caution first and then a charge. Cannabis is Class B.. The equivalent category of crack in the US with a sentence of 14 years max for trafficking I think.

All I know is that all weed is illegal in all of the uk. But all Americans seem so paranoid about being caught for some reason.

It's expensive because no one can get a card or any kind of permission to grow. No one wants to get caught selling. In the country maybe there is more growing going in. Personal grows in backyard are common but not so much on a commercial scale. There was that crazy murderer a few months ago- police raided his house and found hundreds of weapons and a grow op. Then there was a shooting in Streatham over plants being stolen. The only time you hear about major grows in the Uk is when someone dies. Alot is imported and the 'middle man' takes some of his 'danger money'.