What do you munchie on?


Active Member
Whats your favorite thing to eat when you got the munchies...

I like the flaming chester hot fries and gatorade. honeybuns are very awesome as well.


Well-Known Member
Na mayne. You gotta try the pineapple & homemade vanilla from Blue Bell. Strawberries & Homemade Vanilla is a satisfactory substitute.

For those of you who don't have access to the gorgeous golden rim buckets of ice creamy delicousness, goldfish, Haagen-Dazs Swiss Vanilla Almond, and Honey Cheerios will do.


Well-Known Member
I have an ice cream addiction. I go through 1/4 gallon/day. I love the shit. I alternate between Strawberries & Homemade Vanilla and Mint Chocolate Chip. Pineapple & Vanilla is really hard to find.


Well-Known Member
Im not aa fan of vanilla icecream,I love me some choclate loaded up with almonds cookies marshmallows whatever.


Well-Known Member
I don't get munchies anymore. When I used to it was usually for starbursts, skittles, mamba, root beer barrels, swedish fish, that type of shit. And a gatorade or vitamin water or propel or just water, anything to keep me hydrated for a night filled with smoking and rolling blunts. Get dry mouthed real quick.


Well-Known Member
I love vanilla and caramel, so any Haagen Daz or B and J ice cream with that in it will be decimated! Otherwise I eat cashews, peanut butter pretzels etc


Well-Known Member
Another duplicate thread but hey...

I'm a jerky fiend. Weed makes me blacker apparently; I bought fried chicken and grape soda today. Yeah, I know!! Fruit, cereal with juice or rice milk tinned fruit with cereal sprinkled on top, bagel slathered in butter... Some kind of Eastern european sliced cold meat... actually I eat lardons raw... And all kinds of fish... Plenty of flesh goes in my mouth, really.