what do you prefer

how can you not see your gf without makeup?

i prefer girls without make up as well. chicks who draw on their eyebrows kind of freak me out

omg, i hella agree on this one.. i was watching a show the other night called chics who kill, and every spanish girl on the show had shaved their eye brows and drew them back on with w/e it was they use, lol..
but holy shit, each and everyone of them looked dumber then the first... i can't believe people actually think that looks attractive..
No, never did of course this wa a long time ago and everytime I'd go to see her she was all made up.
well it all depends...
with with...not so bad without...again not so bad withoutwith...with...with... with... not bad without...

there is natural beauty out there and that should be left untouched.... but I think my vote is with make-up... Stay high

Gadzooks!!! Heavens to mergatroid!!! That bitch looks like a wore out boot no matter how much makeup she puts on.
I can never tell if they put on a little bit of make-up so it's whatever. But when it looks like they painted their face, I just wanna hand them a balloon and a clown suit then ship them off to a circus.
Today I prefer my lady o-natural that's how we were created, why f..k with it? I'm glad my wife doesn't paint herself.
I prefer my wife to be all natural, however I say nothing about any makeup she may choose to ware.

Now perfume is a different matter. My sniffer is sensitive and I do go ballistic if my nose is offended!:cuss:
Im all for makeup, the uglier you are the morew you should wear and do not let
blindside me if your a lots of make type. I went to see this girl we have known
for years the other day and BAM no makeup. Its like I `ve been betrayed or something.
So if ytour gonna lie about how you look PLEASE keep the lie rolling.
I think that guys are probably the more important deciders on whether women wear or do not wear makeup.

My opinion, a little touch here and there is nice, most women just look like a bunch stupid twats :) Newsflash, most men want a girl, not a tin of foundation and blush and this and that. Was at my friends house tonight, his gf had just bought a new packet of fake eyelashes. She's his gf and even he thought that it was utterly pathetic. If it's because you're going on stage that's one thing, if it;s beause you think it makes you look better, put aside your insecurities and think again, guys no want it.

I think guys are the deciders, too! At least when it comes to what feels like necessity rather than preference.

I use a little foundation. I won't lie- I have a bit of scarring, but never ever use makeup to cover a condition you haven't gotten around to/can't be bothered to deal with; I've seen people put concealer over gross stuff and it made it more gross... I also use a touch of eyeliner continuing the shape they already have, and sometimes good old $1 mascara.

I don't feel I need it (especially not nowadays, a certain someone has really boosted my self-esteem) but I like fucking around with eyeshadow and colored liners for fun. My face is just another canvas and all the different textures and pigments in makeup interests me. Now I save it for a really thematic outfit or cosplay. I matched my makeup to my costume, dammit, notice!!

I absolutely cannot stand fake eyelashes, hair extensions/weaves/wigs (unless they're cyber dreads or falls), fake tits (and I like tits...) lip liner, blusher, bronzers...

My ma tried to put lipstick on me a few times and I hated it... looked like a harlot.

But personally, I struggle stepping out of the door with absolutely nothing on. A touch of foundation to even out skin tone is necessary I think... I like makeup that draws attention to or enhances your natural features rather than just plastering stuff on top of them, hiding it all..