What do you think about the lighting setup?


Active Member
Another week, another update:

Coming along nicely
*budsites are forming on the two eldest confirmed fems.
*Moved the third bagseed into flower.
*Two clones, one of each of the eldest bagseeds. My first, we'll see how it goes.
*Feeding the plants with their respective nutrients (veg, flower) at about 1/6 strength, no harm so far, so maybe 1/4 or 1/3 next feed.

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 19 days 12/12) standing at about 12 inches (2 inches over 6 days):

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 19 days 12/12) standing at about 11.5 inches (3 inches over 6 days!):

3rd bagseed (42 days veg, 1 day 12/12) standing at about 6.5 inches (1.5 inches over 6 days)

AK-48 (34 days veg) standing at about 5 inches (.5 inches over 6 days)

TH Seeds Darkstar (23 days veg) standing at about 4 inches (2 inches over 6 days)


Active Member
Ok, a couple of major issues seen today. I added about 4 43 w lights and I believe this has caused some major issues. It didn't seem like too much, but now that I add it up, I have 900 watts for 3 plants. What does everyone think?

*The 1st girl got really stressed, the heat really hit some highs today at about 85-95 near the plants, and at about 105 near the exhaust at the top. This was for the six hours or so before I came to check on them. Only the first plant showed this stress. Maybe its not heat? I watered her on Saturday or Sunday, but she was dry to about 3-4 inches down, and she perked up when I watered so I'm sure that was needed. Like I said before, I've been watering with very low strength nutes, but maybe this one just doesn't like it.

She didn't look like this last night...

*The 2nd girl had a light fall on her and cleanly snapped one of the top main branches off right where it joins the stem. Duct tape is supporting that branch now.

(The right side is snapped)

All other plants doing fine, updates in a few days for them.


Active Member
*Old girl is picking up.

*Snapped branch is dead I think. All dried out... Oh well We'll see how the rest goes.

Mister Black

Active Member
Heat stress can be offset by good airflow. An oscillating fan for example. Good airflow helps the plants stem and branches grow strong and be less liable to snapping.


Active Member
Another week, another update:
As far as the heights go this week, not a lot of growth on paper because I had to bury some exposed roots on all of the plants. But they all did grow an inch or more this week in reality.

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 25 days 12/12) standing at about 12 inches:

She's coming around after a rough few hours in the heat. Leaves are perked back up, but the bottom set died.
Definitely female, but still looking for signs of hermi because of all the stress and what not. No bud production yet, but 3 or 4 budsites visible. Branches are finally starting to peek out.

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 25 days 12/12) standing at about 11 inches:
Unfortunately, the snapped off branch died. But we saw some nice bud production this week. New budsites forming and hairs popping out everywhere.

Where it snapped off.

3rd bagseed (42 days veg, 7 day 12/12) standing at about 6 inches:
Finally we see some branching coming out. No sex yet, but this one is strong, haven't been able to hurt it even though all my other plants have suffered under my care. lol.

AK-48 (40 days veg) standing at about 5 inches:
Probably root bound. Will move to 3 gal soon, but I'm not in a rush, just no room in the closet.

TH Seeds Darkstar (29 days veg) standing at about 4 inches:



Active Member
First is likely over watered, yes, but is also looking crappy because its recovering from heat stress. Looking better since the pic too, grew about an inch in the past 24hr.


Active Member
Quick update,

Not so in depth this time, but here you go:

Bagseed 1

She's gotten HUGE. Can't wait 'till she's finished. All of the side buds are developing very well. Hairs are getting really long too. Starting to smell lovely!

Bagseed 2

Not much action. Burned the top cola... yeah, sucks.

Bagseed 3

Still no sex..., slow growth, looks healthy though. Not sure that I mentioned it yet, but I think that you would call this one a triploid? In any case, its doing the best out of all of the plants (not reacting to stress-wise at least).

AK-48 and Darkstar

They really needed to be moved to flower like 2 weeks ago, but I just don't have the space.
So this week they really took a hit, the air temp rose to about 100f for the 6 hours before I noticed that the air intake hose came loose.
They really hated that, and it wilted and dried out a lot of the leaves, and they're just starting on the road to recovery. Moved them both into bigger containers.


Active Member
Ok, going for a legit update tonight. Really exciting stuff here!

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 39 days 12/12) standing at about 17 inches:

What can I say, old girl surprised me this week. Crazy growth on the main cola, about eight inches tall, filling out so far at just over an inch wide! Also, all of the side budsites are really coming into their own. Filling out nicely. I'm excited for this one. When do you guys think? Two three more weeks?

main cola

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 39 days 12/12) standing at about 11 inches:

This one has been sort of stagnant this week, and I'm not really surprised. Its still recovering from last weeks heat stress, and burning two of the colas. If I'm seeing this correctly even the budsites that weren't burned directly, were severely effected by the heat and are stunted. Not much growth at all, and zero in height. The oldest two were from two different bags that I have no idea about, but obviously we can see that they are two very different plants.

3rd bagseed (42 days veg, 21 day 12/12) standing at about 8 inches:

No sex yet, but I believe that I will get an answer this coming week as I see something coming in, but its too early to tell. I would hate to get pollinated this late in the other two girls flower...

AK-48 (54 days veg) standing at about 7 inches:

TH Seeds Darkstar (43 days veg) standing at about 6 inches:

I feel bad for both ak and darkstar... they really need to flower... but I have a plan I guess, I'm going to take a cutting from each when they get too big for the veg box this week to prolong their veg before flowering. They're finally almost fully recovering and picking back up the steam on new growth.


Well-Known Member
Dude tie that bitch down, the 11 incher, read up on tying down & why are the stems that thick but not many leaves on the plant ? stop taking em off, seems as u got some prob with that plant cuz all the bottom leaves are turning yellow & probably falling off, looks as if it needs some nitrogen in the watering. JMO


Active Member
Yeah, almost all the second one's originl leaves died when it was heat stressed. They withered and dried... But this is my first grow, and a learning process. Buds still comin, but slow (on that one... :weed:)


Active Member
*Cue "frosty the snowman"*

Its snowing!!

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 47 days 12/12) standing at about 17 inches:

Fattening up, and getting covered with crystals! Honestly, there's not much smell coming from any of my plants.... but I guess that's better than overwhelming, noticeable smell. Excited to see some up close pics. For anyone else who wants to try, I just used a regular digital camera and a small cheap magnifying glass.

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 47 days 12/12) standing at about 11 inches:

Not much action at all... Sucks that things went sour for this one, but the lessons I learned were invaluable. I'm sure I'll get a few grams though huh? Not bad all in all.

3rd bagseed (42 days veg, 29 days 12/12) standing at about 10 inches:

Almost showing sex... Just not quite. No balls for sure yet, but no pistils either.
Is it weird that there are no signs of sex for a plant this old? Waiting game now... Either way, this week saw plenty of upward growth of strong branches.

AK-48 (62 days veg):

Got too big, took a cutting to reduce height (wanted to top anyway, so win/win), may need to lst to keep her on a leash until I have the flower space. Very Very healthy.

TH Seeds Darkstar (51 days veg):

Got too big, took two cuttings to reduce height (two because I already topped like two weeks ago). Looking very good over here too.