what do you think guys?


Well-Known Member
okay i have been growing my plants for a short while now and 2 have been growing in an old pc and the rest have been growing either near the windowsill or in a small grow box i built, but some of my plants look good and healthjy some of them look abit weak, now the first 2 pics are the same plants as the 3rd pic and are both growing in the pc case - they seem to be abit shorter and darker in color the others have had a mixture in light (on sunny days they have been out in the sun and in under the lights at night , they seem to be a bit lighter in color and are getting abit taller but the last 2 plants in the picture seem to have uneven leaves - is this a problem or is it normal??
i have no idea what strain these are because i got them off my cuisins best friend for free - he seemed to have allot of them, so for all i know these could be some shitty bird seed hemp or it could be some pretty strong shit but i have no ideo
Guess i will have to wait?
does anybody have any advice on what i should do next or if i am doing anything wrong?


Well-Known Member
When you get no answer it is often because your question is so long that:

a) Nobody can be bothered to read it

b) If they do it is so complicated nobody understands what you are asking.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is LST low stress training, or build a lot bigger grow box, ( i would!!) if you do keep them in that pc case get them on 12/12 now!!
they look healthy but how much bud do you think your going to get in there? lol 5grams? but good luck to yor.


Well-Known Member
(on sunny days they have been out in the sun and in under the lights at night , they seem to be a bit lighter in color and are getting abit taller but the last 2 plants in the picture seem to have uneven leaves - is this a problem or is it normal??
when you bring them in under your lights

how far is the light from them ?

if its to far they will stretch for the light

also if it seems like their not growing ( they are )

their still developing their roots !

if you dont got alot of room then try to do a little lst

its excellent for small areas !!

also their is a high turn over on these forums

so if your question does not get answered just give it a bump back to the top

someone will answer your question my man ......:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys, now i have been told i can not lst until it has 3 nodes is this correct or can i start to lst as right now?
thanks again for the help


Well-Known Member
i have been told i can not lst until it has 3 nodes is this correct
i think that is probably just like a good starting point

iv never done lst until now

i started as soon as i could pull it over

click on ( first 12/12 from seed grow ) in my sig

its started off leaning practically flat !!

and now i think its doing pretty good !!!


Well-Known Member
okay guys i will start lst tommorow on some of my plants - i have just brought this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290471073120&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT and i am hoping to recieve this in the next 4 days, now how many cm do you suggest i keep it away from my plants (i will be putting 4 of my plants undernieth it)?
and is 4 too many or not enough
thats a big cfl

idk how hot it will be

normally heat is not a problem with cfls

but that might put out a little heat

just hold your hand above your plant and adjust it by how much heat you feel !!