sog is certainly not bad advice, and is a technique commonly used to increase yields per watt. It's not the only way to go though. The space you have can help determine, as well as the lights. For instance, if you don't have a lot of height, doing less larger plants isn't as effective. Also if you're using non-hid or lower powered hid, you will see more from more shorter plants because you don't require as much penetration from the light.
either way can be just as viable as the other. A sog is going to be easier to get larger yields imo (more plants, less chance that a mistake is going to effect a whole yield, etc). At the same time it's more time consuming to do all the cloning and then care for more plants, and can be more complicated depending on how you do it. If you do a sog, do your research on the strain. A good part of your success will depend on proper clone size. Some strains you want to go straight to 12/12 from clone, others you need to veg for a week or two. It all comes down to the height you want them to achieve in flower.