What do you think of this soil mix?


Active Member
This is my recipe I'm thinking of using for my next grow. I haven't decided what type of base soil to use yet so I may have to add some perlite as well. I'll probably just pick up something without nutrients from the grow store.
I'd really like for you guys to give me your opinion on if you think I can use this as a just add water organic grow. All the amendments are with espoma products from home depot, except the earthworm castings.
Per Gallon:
4 cups Earthworm castings
3/4 cup Plant-Tone 5-3-3
4 tbs Bone Meal 4-12-10
3 tbs Rock Phosphate 0-3-0
3 tbs Lime per gallon
2 tbs Greensand
2 tbs Kelp Meal 1-0-2
All mixed in with the soil.
And since I'm growing autoflowers I figured I would add the gro-tone around 3 weeks when they start flowering. It's basically fish emulsion, is they how it should be used? I'm really not sure.
Here is a link to the site if you want to check it out. www.espoma.com
BTW I'm planning on using it in 2 gallon pots start to finish.


Well-Known Member
that would probably work really well. im a big fan of espoma but you might want to re measure the amount of plant tone if you have never used this mix before. i have used it in potting mixes before and at 25:1 , it works out to be around 3-4 cups per cubic ft. and your mix is almost double that. as long as that isnt overkill, you should be golden. i have a auto grow using bio-tone as a base and espoma is good shit.


Active Member
Thanks, I've changed my recipe to 1/2 cup of plant tone and increased the rock phosphate and greensand to 4 tbs (recommend by somebody in another thread).
After you mix everything together is it ready to use immediately? Or do you recommend giving it some time for the beneficial bacteria break stuff down a little?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I've changed my recipe to 1/2 cup of plant tone and increased the rock phosphate and greensand to 4 tbs (recommend by somebody in another thread).
After you mix everything together is it ready to use immediately? Or do you recommend giving it some time for the beneficial bacteria break stuff down a little?
ive done both and had good results. i let mine sit awhile this time and ive seen no difference, just good results.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
The mix seems kinda light on the N side of things. Maybe add some blood meal to the mix.


Active Member
Thanks, I've been going back and forth on whether it needs it. I'll throw a couple tbs in just to be safe.


I agree add about half rec dose of blood meal sinve they are auto flowers, some azomite ,and some humic and fulvic with amino blend and your ladies will be bangin.. This sounds like more of a bottom mix than a veg mix, I would fill half your container with this mix and the rest with just your good base soil like a roots or fox farms soil. It will let the little ones adjust to things instead of hittin them with that hot soil from the start.en other than some aact teas it would be a water only mix

jane's phasm

Well-Known Member
Did you consider adding Mycos already? If you were to stick with that recipe you could probably use ACTs fairly frequently.